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The Golem Game

A popular sport amongst the people of Violem that involves spawning golems from encahnted dice and deulling in arenas to crown a victor. This sport has been around for centuries ecoming so popular that entire arenas and leagues have been setup to entertain the masses.  


The sport sprouted from the mind of Marubell who travelled the lands of Cytal in search of new homes. To pass the time, the children brought to life pebbles along the road and shaped them into figures. Battling them until one was detroyed or until they lost interest.   The game of these children drew the attention of other younglings of towns and cities who wanted to play. So blacksmiths, wood carvers and glass blowers would forge small dice and bestow enchantments onto them to spawn mini golems. Allowing anyone to join in on the fun.   The once children's game grew in popularity, with groups of adults making bets on matches and elevating the sport into bigger and grander settings. Eventually arenas were built in cities such as Oralyn and Sianwood to host the brutal golem battles and home to competitions and leagues of players wishing to earn the title of champion. To please the crowds, more rules and bigger golems were added to make it seem a lot more spectacular and allow for an element of skill to be implemented rather than a game of chance.   The sport has become common knowledge amongst the people of Violem and one of the most well loved sports throughout time.  
To feel the dice in your hands, watch them roll onto the arena and spawn these giant creatures is rather energetic feeling. Your at the hands of the dice, really and then the insane brawls after is a lot of fun. Can't get another rush quite like it.
— Manishma, Golem Game Champion

Golem Game Arenas:

Octo Arena - Oralyn   Seedless Collesseum - Sianwood   Ruined Metamorphic Dome - City of Maerah   Fort Jensanata - Outskirts of Yroh Wood   Minauran Marketplace - Edge of Uwoll    
The Rules


Spawn golems and using 2d6, roll the highest score. The first to 3 points wins.  

Golem Creation:

To battle, a golem is needed to be spawned. This is achieved by rolling 2d6, one for the material the golem will be made from and another for the item they can wield.  

The Golem Game - Material

Dice RollMaterial

The Golem Game - Items

Dice RollItemSuper Effective Against (-3 to opponent score)Effect
1AcidClay-1d4 to opponent score
2BlowtorchWood-3 to opponent score
3BombStone+1d6 to your score
4Cask of AleIronReroll 1 opponent die
5Electric EelSlimeReroll all opponent dice
6Snow GlobeMudOpponent repeats score next round


When players are ready, roll 2d6. The highest score wins the round. The first to 3 points wins the game. If the player scores are equal, the round is a tie.  
  • If a player rolls any double then they use their item.
  • If a player rolls double 1, they automatically lose that round.
  • If a player rolls double 6, they automatically win that round.



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