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Ah yes, an interesting species as a whole. Slower in nature but far stronger than any other intelligent being. And if they decide to include magic in their arsenal, it can be quite an exciting battle companion.
— El-Sor, Retired Hunter
  Flesh of stone but the mind and soul of a sorcerer, Marubell are the living survivors of petrified victims that were saved by a combination of powerful magic and healing potions. Now spread out across the lands living amongst the common Sorcerers and Alum in the magic realm.  


Whilst they have been brought back to life, the victims resemble their original appearance but instead of the soft skin and flowing hair, they are stuck a solid stone shell. In this state, there are unable to age at all, giving them a unique ability of living longer than previously capable. The oldest Marubell are said to be up to a thousand-years-old. The colour of their sedimentary layer can appear in different shades depending on how they were originally cursed and by who. For example, the victims of the Basilisk were said to have pure white appearance, almost glowing before dulling to a shade of grey over hundreds of years. While the frozen travellers of The Crossroads, have been resurrected and now possess colours of blues and teal.   The magical capabilities of the Marubell are unique to the induvial. If were capable of magic before the petrification then they might be able to innately recall a cantrip or simple spell. But in this new life, they are able to speak to the natural world and are able to become experts in stone based magic similar to the Stone Alum. They also have built a natural defence to both physical and magical attacks making them ideal for warriors or defenders of settlements.  


The earliest Marubell date back to the victims of the Basilisk who were found and saved by The Ivory Champions during the age of Exploration. The first rock born escaped the maze and ventured out of the Great Forest into society at the time. The Alum all seem to embrace this new species and accepte them as equals, Sorcerers and Minauran however took time to accept and acknowledge, with some even in the present day unsure of what to think about these beings.   The first locations that the sentient stone souls were drawn to the ancient cities like Drovvin, the city of stone. They were welcomed and that is where many still live to this day. Although after the Minauran slaughter, many took it upon themselves to protect the Minaurans who were refugees in their own world and helped build the city that would become Uwoll.   Another known settlement for Marubell was the city of Maerah that mysteriously crumbled to ruins seemingly overnight. An archaeology group known as Paramound researched the ruins only to discover the city and debris seemed to have aged a hundred years faster than the rest of the world. Discovering the remains of evolved Marubell that have yet to be seen.   In the current day, Marubell across the lands has openly been disapproving of the popular Golem Game, seeing it as a cruel and disrespectful treatment of stone-based creatures. Another small group of Marubell travel across the lands in search of a cure to the immortal curse that was bestowed upon them unwillingly.  


While Marubell are known as a sub species of Stone Alum, there is even more variations of rock born that can be seen across the realm of magic.   White Marubell – The original petrified victims of the Basilisk snake
Geobell – The evolved remains of Marubell found in the advanced ruins of Maerah
Centurions – Marubell who have grown in size and density, allowing them to tower over others and increase strength at the cost of becoming slower
Level 1 Character Stats:
HP - 10
Inventory - 10
Difficulty Score - 11
Brute - 1
Skulk - 0
Erudite - 0
Magic - -1
Defence - 1
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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