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A rare species said to be long since deceased, the Djinn are the magic wielding spirit hybrids that roamed Violem in the early years of civilization. Huted to extinction out of fear for their reality bending abilities and knowledge of things outside the realm. But just because the stories say they are no longer around doesn't mean it is true.

Unclear Origins:

How the Djinn came to be remains a mystery. Usually regarded as a sub species of Air Alum but historical recordings refer to these beings long before the earliest mention of elemental users. The most popular belief is they were a group of Air Alum that rose into the stars. Once up in the sky, they were exposed to the raw power of magic which proved too much for them. Resulting in them falling back down to the land but with heightened magical abilities.   Another popular theory is that a group of Acuran wished for more power and hunted down ancient cosmic beasts, absorbing the power these beasts possessed and taking it for themselves. Leaving the beasts to become extinct and creating a new life in the form of Djinn.  
Their origins remain a mystery, even to myself. But some aspects always remain true. They were magic wielding people most common in the ancient times, and their demise came about from the Djinn Hunters.
— Porvius, Time Alum


Books and drawings of the Djinn typically depict them as spirit looking creatures. With translucent skin and a colourful aura emenating from them like some sort of light source. While many believe they had blue skin, there is no evidence to suggest that was the case. Instead it is more likely they had pale white skin that appeared different colours based on their aura. Instead of legs and feet, they appear to have a whispy tail that trailed behind them, allowing to stay in a constant state of hovering. The other notable physical feature was their extravagent clothing with expensive threads and jewellery covered in gemstones.   In terms of powers, they were capable of magic relating to air and wind manipulation. With the added ability of wishing. A spell that would allow them to warp reality with the snap of a finger. This magic would take a toll on the Djinn, often leaving them drained and needing rest after casting the spell. The time to rest would depend on the scale of the wish itself.   While the Djinn could not fly at will, they were able to hover to heights upto 20ft for a limited amount of time. Due to their spiritual form they were also capable of becoming ethereal on command and blessed with looking eternally youthful.

Notable Djinn:

  • Asakando - The royal advisor to the earliest Fi-Ha chieftans. Eventually killed by the Pharaoh of Fear during his descend to power of the deserts
  • Rumara - A power hungry Djinn that used their wishing abilities to unleash monstrous horrors into the world
  • Liatassee - One of the freedom fighters during the war between Djinn Hunters and one of the last survivors of the species

Fall of Djinn:

As the power of Djinn became more and more obvious, leaders of ancient cities such as Cynnaghor, Maerah and Fi-Ha became concerned they would overthrow Violem. Thus they created a secret organisation with the simple aim of eradicating the threat. These became known as Djinn Hunters.   The hunters learnt very quickly that physically killing these people was incredibly difficult. Instead they devised a plan to trap them inside objects, keeping them isolated from the rest of the world. These trinket prisons changed the tides in this secret war. Later on it would become known as the Djinn purge, with many spiritual creatures either being captured by the hunters or fleeing from the realm of magic alltogether until there was none left to roam the lands.
Level 1 Character Stats:
HP - 10
Inventory - 10
Difficulty Score - 11
Brute - -1
Skulk - 0
Erudite - 1
Magic - 1
Defence - 0
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Species | Jun 2, 2024
Djinn Hunters
Organization | Jun 2, 2024
Settlement | Jul 1, 2024


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