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"You wanna know what a Trancul looks like. Hmmm. Well, imagine the head of a mushroom but without the stumpy white bit. And then imagine the head has eye, big black black eyes just looking up at you. Add a couple of relaxing bubbles and you my friend have got yourself a Trancul. I think that's what they are, not sure. There was a lot of mead that night."
Arwyn Bromms, Former Brazen Bandit
    The Trancul are a species of sentient fungi that that slide around on their stomachs leaving a trail of soapy mixture behind themselves. Often blowing bubbles that, when popped, leave a calming aura in the air capable of sending most creatures into a state of peace and serenity.    


A smaller creature than most, ranging from anywhere between 3 inches to 1 foot in length. Often being mistaken for a mushroom head that has lost its stump underneath. Its skin is blotted with spots over a brightly coloured base colours. Variations like red/white; blue/white and pink/purple are all common palettes for these spongy feeling beasts. Seeing is not an issue for the Trancul with the two large oval eye sockets that appear at the front of their body. This is useful for navigating the harsh forest floors and dimly lit dungeons where they most commonly reside.    

Calming Aura:

While it is unclear as to how these fungus critters came into existence, they can be easily identified by their unique ability to produce bubbles containing various scents that idly bob in the areas where the Trancul have passed through. The most common of these aromas is tranquility, if another beast comes into contact with this smell then they fall under a state of relaxation for the next few moments. Cases of this often last around five to ten minutes based on size of the original bubble.  
You find yourselves going deeper and deeper underground, the way ahead begins to get lighter. Small florescent blue mushrooms illuminate the corners of the tunnels. Dried up roots creep down from the ceiling, some drooping so low, they are more like a pair of twig curtains. As you brush by one of these curtains you hear a quiet sound. *Pop. A sense of euphoria hits the person infront, while the rest of the group see the tunnel is now filled with softly lit bubbles idly sitting in the air. Filling up the majority of the tunnel. What do you do next?
  If this spongy slug senses it is in danger then the calming scents turn into something a little more erratic. Effects such as running in fear, frozen in a state of panic and mild poisoning have been reported in the past by many adventurers and forest dwellers.    

Bringing Trouble:

Many scholars believe that such as creature originates from the continent of Hoarwae and through years of exploration ships coming and going have allowed for the Trancul to populate most major land mass. Most commonly found in large forests and woods where other fungus related species thrive as well as the dark depths of dungeons and tunnels that run beneath the surface.   This critter is mostly harmless on its own but often draws the attention of large and more formidable foes. In particular the oder of the Trancul attracts a creature known as the Gruff. With its 6 limbs, wide jaw and only a snout to get a sense of direction. These towering monsters follow the smell of Trancul and attempt to eat the mushroom slugs. Once they catch whiff of one, there is little anyone can do to stop it charging through the forests to catch its prey.   It is often said that species, both intelligent and monstrous, with a strong connection to the natural world seem unaffected by the aromas of Trancul bubbles. This includes creatures such as the Ptettell as well as priests of Hodall.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 8
DS - 10
Bubble Blow - Blows a bubble that lasts for 5 mintues, when popped targets in a 5ft radius are placed in a dream-like state


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