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"Its movement was a lot faster than we anticipated. It swam through the air ease like a Whipper Whay searching for its next meal. All we could do in the moment was retreat and take cover. But with all the fog surrounding us we were blind. We could barely walk in a straight line, let alone fight this predator of the swamp. It knew we didn't belong and it used that advantage very well."
    The Traxalan, a creature that looks rather mundane in a world full of sentient plant beasts and chaotic demons possessing wooden objects. But there is more to it than one would originally thought. These large fish like creature were originally found in the hot fog swamps on the continent of Hoarwae Continent. Although in more recent history reports of the Traxalan have been noted circling the ash clouds of the great volcano of Cytal as well as the tropical islands hidden in haze off the coast of Ascor.


Usually found on their own, these tough rubber skinned animals fly in the thick humid air, swimming through the sky with its pointed and curved tail. Navigating with its three fins, two on either side of its body and another larger fin on its back. Something more tapered that could cause serious damage if you got too close. Its small beady eyes are positioned on either side of its front, where it grins showing rows of serrated, pointed teeth. Although these beasts are as long as four regular men and as wide as a double doors they are surprisingly good at camouflaging in its surroundings. With its back skin coloured in mottled greens and browns to replicate the swampy environment, with a grey/white under belly that you can only notice once it is too late. What makes these creatures a tough encounter for anyone looking for a fight is the natural immunity to most elemental attacks and dense layers of fat protecting them from many projectiles.    


These monsters of the sky and appearance of sea beasts are extremely territorial, often patrolling their habitats nearly every hour of the day. Only resting for a few hours at a time in cooler and darker locations. When they are not defending what they consider home, they are out hunting. Patiently waiting for unsuspecting prey to get lost in the fogs so it can make quick work for its meal. Many explorer and hunter have stated that the Traxalan are a clever and tactical species. If they believe a threat is too strong for them to handle or are outnumbered, then they will retreat without hesitation, making them a particular challenge to anyone hunting one. As long as you show you are a big enough threat or leave the fog swamps with haste, then this behemoth of a creature will not be an issue for you. But if you are unfortunate enough to encounter one, be prepared with a powerful spell.
Potential Plot Hook: One of the many giant birds of the jungle have stolen your belongings during the night. You follow them through the thick shrubs and dangling vines to the edge of a puddle. You see in the shadows, the bird mocking you with your bag before flying deeper into the fog swamp. Just as your about to head into the green tinted clouds, you see another large, shadowy figure fly on by, growling and gargling as it does so. Do you dare enter the Traxalan's territory?
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 11
DS - 12
Brute - 1
Defence - 1
Bite - Melee 1d8


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