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Stormcaller Tower

Stormcaller Tower is the home of the transmutation wizard Eymundr Stormcaller⁣⁣⁣. It is located north of Highcliff⁣ in Frostfire Province⁣. The tower is made of gray stone and topped with a metal conical roof with a lightning rod on top. At the top of the lightning rod is a glowing, crackling ball of electricity. Every second or two, a lightning bolt will shoot down the tower from the captured ball of lightning. These lightning charges runs up and down the tower continuously along intricately detailed metal runes that are worked into the stone. It results in an ever-moving pattern of white-blue light that plays across the stone tower.   When a storm occurs, all lightning in the region strikes the tower through its magical lightning-rod. The entire tower lights up continuously as lightning plays across its surface, recharging and absorbing the energy from the skies.


Stormcaller Tower has five main levels, plus the observation tower at its peak. As one ascends the tower, the floors become increasingly dangerous and magical.  

Ground Floor

  The ground floor is where Eymundr meets with visitors and where his assistant Gorr⁣ lives. A main reception area features a few curios and artifacts; its stone floor is accented with nice but worn rugs, and its stained glass windows have pictures that move. The reception area has entrances to a dining hall, a store room for common items to meet the needs of Eymundr and the people who come to visit him, and Gorr's chambers. There is also a simple guest room on the ground floor.  

Second Floor

  The second floor is a greenhouse designed to emulate the environment of the Homestead. The temperature is cool but not cold, mists cover the ground, and it drizzles one in three hours. The walls of the tower are enchanted to look as if the rolling hills go on forever, and a "sun" gives heat and light as it passes from east to west along the ceiling.     Useful plants are grown in this greenhouse: basic healing herbs, fruit and vegetables for daily fare, and flowers with various properties.   This greenhouse is cared for by a small family of dryads who had been native to the region but whose trees were sickened by a blight. (Blossom, Breezy, Berry, and Briar.) Eymundr transplanted their trees, and in return, they make sure the plants and animals in his greenhouse thrive. They do miss being outside, and would like Eymundr to figure out how they can spend some time there as well as in his greenhouse each year. He isn't interested, since they made a bargain, and it would take a lot of time and work for him to figure it out. (He holds the power in the relationship.) They are willing to help adventurers if adventurers will help them.   A pack of blink dogs also resides here; it view the dryads as part of their pack. They normally hunt and eat the rabbits and similar fauna that also live in the greenhouse. Songbirds and pollinator insects complete the ecosystem.  

Third Floor

  The third floor is a microcosm of the deserts of Jebilah. It holds plants and animals that thrive in this environment.   Useful plants tend to be cacti of various types that have magical properties.   A number of dangerous creatures roam this part of the tower, because of the usefulness of their venom/poison/scales/etc for works of magic. These include:   Death dogs (pack of three) Giant wolf spiders (solitary hunters) Blue dragon wyrmling (lair under the sand)   In addition, other creatures more normal to a desert environment can be found in this level.  

Fourth Floor

  The fourth floor is a swamp ecosystem modeled on Greenglow Fen. It is hot and humid, and contains many rare and dangerous plants and animals. The water itself is taken from the Fen and is faintly magical, creating an environment where magical plants and creatures can thrive.   A water elemental lives in the Fen; Eymundr has been studying it for decades.   Other giant creatures also live here, including a Giant Toad, Giant Poisonous Snake, and a Giant Crocodile. The more one disturbs the water and the more noise one makes, the more likely one is to attract the attention of one (or more) of these creatures. However, they don't like each other much either and will likely attack each other if they believe they're trying to steal their prey.  

Fifth Floor

  Eymundr's study and living space is on the fifth floor. It is only accessible via magical means. On each other floor is a mirror opposite one of the doors in that room. However, careful examination will show that the door that is seen in the mirror is a different door than the one it is facing. Further, if the door across from the mirror is opened, the door in the mirror remains closed. The door in the mirror is "shy" - it only opens when no one is looking at it. To enter Eymundr's study, then, one needs to back into the mirror. Then the mirror teleports the individual in question to the fifth floor. To return to any given floor, one simply walks into the respective mirror the front way (they don't appear to be mirrors from the study; they are windows into each floor that give Eymundr a real-time view of what's going on in his tower).   The fifth floor is divided into two sections. The front half, where the mirrors are located, is the wizard's study. It is covered with dusty stacks of papers and scrolls on one table, magical gadgets on another table that spark and hum, a workstation covered in small burn marks, and a shelf on the wall that holds containers of magical components. The back half is the wizard's living area.


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