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The Millder Family

The Millder family originally comes from Velumia and they still have family there. In fact the province right next to it that lies within Velumian borders is of distant relatives. Generations ago a younger brother did not wish to stay under his sibling's rule and decided to claim a new land for himself. As the now called Boroughian Wetlands were unclaimed he simply decided to travel there and after some time of hard work and bravery he eventually proclaimed it his. Now generations later the family has done quite well for themselves and have made a pretty good reputation in the area.   Making use of their family's fortune they were able to extract some valuable resources from the land which left them with quite the treasure.  

Love of Communication


What does this faction love most about communication?

  • It creates peace
  • It reveals the truth

What form of communication originated with this faction an has spread to all the others?

  The Millder family have set up the meetings between the tribes that founded the Boroughian Council. They have been facilitating ever since and are the ones that usually settle disagreements between them.  

What group or rank within this faction is respected by every other faction for their skill, power, or dangerousness?

  The Millder family has employed many talented engineers to create the Great Wall of Japiosnatates. Their expertise is now employed by other tribes as well, for a hefty fee ofcourse.  


  A faction allied to the Millder Family:   All tribes of the Boroughian Wetlands have allied together under the Millder's guidance.  

How long have they held this alliance?

  This alliance is very recent.  

What would have to change for one these parties to break this alliance?

  This alliance is fragile but necessary to fight the increasing amount of monster attacks. If they can no longer contribute to this cause then an alliance may no longer be sustainable.   A faction who are enemies to the Millder Family: Monsters of the wetlands  

How have the people of Millder acted against this faction, and do the leaders of this faction know?

  The Millders fight these creatures on a almost daily basis.  

What would have to change in order to reconcile this conflict?

  The creatures would need to stop attacking.


  • Kaupou
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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