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The Aleanza

The Aleanza is the feudalistic theocratic nation of united great houses which were each formerly great kingdoms in their own right. It is located on the continent of Sanctus taking up a majority of the lands. It currently stands as the largest kingdom in the known world with the largest army when all of its feuding lords work together. The nation is ruled by The Herald who is said to be chosen by Kalos himself. The Aleanza hasnt sought to expand its borders since the time of The Age of Exploration, though it has shrunk after a few rebellions. The capital city is the massive bastion of Pyrgos located in the Bronzelands.


    The politics within The Aleanza are sometimes complex with each house having their own agenda, but all having to demonstrate loyalty to The Herald. The government is controlled primiarily by The Herald and The Council of 12 who help him perform his duties. The council members and their powers are as follows
  • The Herald is the head of state whose bloodline is said to be chosen by Kalos himself to rule. He is responsible for running the entire kingdom and has absolute power. The title of The Herald is passed down in the bloodline and while it doesnt have to be a male heir, there has yet to be a female Herald.
  • The Hand is the second most power man in the entire kingdom holding the authority equal to The Herald should he be occupied with other duties. He also acts as his chief advisor and assists him in every stately duty from day to day.
  • The Stratigos  is the head of the Herald’s Guard and is in charge of protecting the Herald, The Queen and members of the council. He is in command of his own squad of the best fighters in the kingdom known as the Herald's Guard.
  • The Kriegsmarshall is the grand commander of the Krieger. The Kriegsmarshal commands the army and is the chief strategist during war. When not in war The Kriegsmarshal is responsible for keeping the houses in check should any of them get rebellious.
  • The High Arcanist is the chief representative of The Ordo Arcanum which is the organization of mages allied with The Herald. The High Arcanist is responsible for coordinating with The Herald on magical matters and on join projects between the two bodies.
  • The High Arbiter  is the leader of the Grand Inquisition of Kalos, responsible for interpreting the word of Kalos. The High Arbiter advises The Herald on religious matters and issues and within a religion focused nation holds an incredible amount of power.
  • The Lord of Whispers  is the leader of The Whisperers which is the primary intelligence gathering and assassination force of The Aleanza. The Lord of Whispers feeds The Herald information and coordinates assassinations with him. The identity of The Lord of Whispers is kept secret and a familiar is sent in his place.
  • The Grand Navarchos  is the leader of the royal navy known as The Kriegsmarine. They are responsible for assembling and overseeing the navy and commanding it during times of war.
  • The Aurum is the master of coin. They are responsible for managing The Herald's funds as well as collecting the bi-yearly tithe from citizens. He employs the use of Tithe Collecters to sweep across the nation clad in black to collect these tithes.
  • The Royal Executioner  is responsible for carrying out executions and managing high value prisoners held by The Aleanza.
  • The Royal Envoy  is responsible for representing the council in diplomatic affairs, often being sent instead of the hand or the herald to discuss things in person with other nations or with the major houses.
  • Though the Herald posesses a great deal of power he must make sure manage the lords and ladies appointed to govern Aleanzan territories well. Amidst this lords and ladies5 houses are seen as great houses and hold a great deal of influence, autonomy and military power. These great houses are free to rule their land as they see fit, but swear fealty and provide both tax and troops to The Herald in the form of a yearly tithe.


The culture of The Aleanza is generally one of superstition with its citizens remembering the ancient calamity known as The Scourge and praying everyday that it doesnt happen again. As for customs it varies from region to region.   Within the Gardlands the people are generally hard working and families are incredibly important with most holding their family name with the highest importance. People here are also usually bigger due to the history of manual labor and have a joyful and optimistic attitude. People from here speak an accent very similar to real life canadian/midwestern. This region is most populated by humans, halflings and gnomes and is generally farmers, brewers, alchemists and inventors.   Within the Shimmerlands the culture is that of a more serene people who are attuned with nature and martial grace. People here sometimes have an air of superiority around them and are usually slimmer and beautiful. They are often soft spoken and very articulate with words often preferring diplomacy over violence. This region is mostly populated by elves who live within the dangerous Araleth Forest who are most often traders, mages, hunters, jewel makers and druids.   Within the Kustlands the culture is that of a more brash, tough and less loyal sort of people. People here are often very down to earth, not very educated and usually born into a life where fighting and survival are all they ever know. They are loyal to those stronger than them but any weakness is instantly capatilized on. This region has a wide variety of races and the most concentrated number of Tieflings who still live within the Aleanza and people here are often sailors, carpenters, mercenaries, hunters and pirates.   Within the Bronzelands there is a culture of a more religious sort of people, but this region also has the widest variety of people so there is no distinct culture. Those born in the region are often raised with religion, but most people who visit are here for the vast amount of goods and the wonders of Pyrgos as well as the natural wonders of the Bronzelands. People from here are a wide variety of professions, but a lot of adventurers come from this region.   Within the Flavalands people have a very authoritative attitude seeking to control situations and are often good leaders with a very high natural charisma. Those from here are often good warriors, tacticians and though the vast majority of people aren't inherently evil some use these talents to make money in less than savory ways. People from here are often slavers, bounty hunters, mercenaries, traders and miners.   Within Hochland  people are very hardy, loyal and honorable. Those from here are raised with martial skills and born with a natural hardiness to withstand the colder north. Even the nobles within this northern land have a lower rate of survival, but are famed for their skill with taming and riding Griffons. This region is most populated by dwarves and gnomes. Oftentimes this region produces talented blacksmiths, jewelers, inventors, carpenters and warriors.

Demography and Population

The land owned by The Aleanza are made up of the old 4 great kingdoms that used to own most of the land on the continent. These 4 great kingdoms have now become the 4 of the 5 great houses which control most of the political system within The Aleanza. The population varies from region to region, but most citizens live in rural areas and in small villages across the country or in one of the three great cities of Pyrgos, Desmevo, and Lyntown.


The Aleanza controls a vast swath of the central area on Sanctus. The borders stretches from coast to coast on the left and right side of Sanctus touching both the Sea of Green and The Ocean of the Drowned. To the north The Aleanza borders the landbridge leading into Nordria. Also to the north is the brutal Plains of Ioclude a wasteland inhabitated by orcs and various monstrous races which form the Khalrag Dominion which The Aleanza border. To the south there lies the Aerolands a region of humid swamps and lush coastlines which harbors the merchant nation of The Marius Concord which The Aleanza also borders. The regions The Aleanza does control are as follows
  • Bronzelands the region where The Aleanza first settled building the great bastion city known as Pyrgos. The region is famed for its massive fields of bronze grass and roaming packs of lions which are often associated with Kalos.
  • Hochland is the northern region with a rough mountainous terrain and tundra like biomes. The region is harsh, but breeds a hardy people who mine the high amount of raw materials and tame the regions fearsome griffons. This are is primarily under the control of House Ursa.
  • Flavalands is the coastal region next to the Ocean of the Drowned. The region is a temperate climate with patches of forest and deposits of gold. The region is under the control of House Attilius.
  • Shimmerlands is the forested region which lies under the Arurum Peaks. The The Shimmer Grove located within the region is famed for its enchanting atmosphere, dangerous creatures and its distinct silver wood trees which are in high demand as a unique building material. The region is under the control of House Silva.
  • Gardlands is the grassy region filled with rolling hills and calm forests. This region is the breadbasket of The Aleanza supplying most of the nations food with its fertile soil. The nation is currently under control of House Steins.
  • Kustlands is the coastal region located next to the Sea of Green. This region has a cold and wet climate and is known as a center of shipbuilding and infamously piracy. The region is currently under the control of House Kriegschiff.
These regions are overseen by the Great Houses and their bannermen who are responsible for overseeing their respective territory and appointing the local government for settlements which is made up of 3 primary positions.
  • The Richter is the primary leader in cities or villages when a lord isnt present. They are responsible for enforcing their lords laws and passing judgement onto the accused. In larger settelments where one richter cannot handle all of their duties alone they might appoint dommers who handle smaller matters.
  • Under the command of a towns Richter settlements will usally have a Watchmaster who is responsible for organizing the local Wachen forces.
  • Finally is a towns Priest who is appointed by Grand Inquisition of Kalos for large enough settlements. Their influence varies ranging from local healer to some who posess more power than the Richter.


The fighting force of The Aleanza is split across its feudal houses, each of which supply a yearly tithe of troops to the central army known as The Krieger controlled by The Kriegsmarshal. This force comes from a vast array of different cultures and level of equipment, but when inducted into the royal army they are standardized and organized into specialized regiments. Individual houses also keep a fighting force which each specialize in various forms of combat and while they are supposed to fight alongside The Herald history has proven that they often choose not to.   For local protection The Aleanza employs the use of The Wachen which are an organized force of trained militia-men responsible for keeping the homefront safe. They are equipped depending on the region and often support their respective houses military, but are neutral when it comes to any conflicts. However, while unknown to the public, The Wachen also serve as The Herald's personal police force which he uses to silence any rivals or upstarts as needed.


The Aleanza are a very religious people, however the gods that people are allowed to follow are limited to those in The Order Tide and any other gods are banned. Anyone caught worshipping these outlawed gods are to be punished depending on the severity, for example anyone found worshipping any god from The Ruinous Divines are to be silenced, but any lesser gods or neutral gods usually result in jail time or a fine. All religious matters within The Aleanza are regulated by the Grand Inquisition of Kalos, specifically the Templars who regularly make rounds to villages checking the settlements for any lawbreakers or sometimes in the most extreme cases cults at which point they destroy.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
  • Gold Coins
  • Silver Coins
  • Copper Coins
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories


Non-aggression pact