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Ace High

Ace High is a magic shop located in Crocodile Reef under the ownership of a powerful wizard known as Claus. The shop is located in Maw's Market on the corner and is a tall 4 story building that stands at an angle. The store sells a wide variety of magic items and components, but also buys all sorts of items for fair prices.


On the outside the shop appears to be ready to topple over. It is built of old and wet brown wood and at 4 stories tall looks like it leaning to the right. However when you enter inside it looks 10x bigger than the outside would lead you to believe. The inside is a large space with floors made of a silky purple carpet and walls of the same color. There are rows of shelves lined with baubles, armor stands with some of the beautiful sets of plate mail, and stands with weapons worthy to fell dragons.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location