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(a.k.a. The Great Schemer)

Asmodeus is the god of Trickery, Lies and Forbidden Knowledge and the current ruler of Nassus as well as being the former ruler of The 10 Layers of Hell which under their dominion was 9 layers. Asmodeus is the cause of The Scourge as well as being the one who caused Prodotis to betray his brother Kalos. During The Scourge Asmodeus primarily watched from the sidelines as their minions fought, however they did once try to fight Kalos, but due to underestimating the new god, Kalos defeated Asmodeus which sent them on the run. Present day Asmodeus resides in Nassus and rules their realm while also trying to find a way to break free from the banishment and eventually take their throne back from Prodotis.

Divine Domains

  • Trickery
  • Knowledge 
  • Lore


  • The Crimson Gem
  • Ring of Nessus
  • The God-Reaper

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol most often associated with Asmodeus is a clawed armored hand grasping a crimson red gem, this gem being the one that allows them to reign over both Demons and Devils. Worshippers of Asmodeus represent this symbol by often times wearing gauntlets that represent this claw and wearing the gem as a symbol, but they also have the traditional amulets.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Asmodeus since the dawn of their existence has sought only two things, power and dominion. They seek an immense amount of power and doesnt care who they have to sacrifice in order to get it. They will then use this immense power in order to rule over the planes of existense and bring about an era of orderly suffering.
  • Trust is a lie that the weak try to use to get the better of you, trust nobody but yourself
  • Scour the world for its hidden knowledge and when you find it, abuse it no matter the sacrifice it requires
  • Do not pity the weak, simply trample them to achieve your goals and rise to power
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Glowing Red
Curled Horns with Long straight black hair down their back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey skin with cracks of lava