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Brachus of the Stormsworn

Alakai Brachus Stormsworn

Brachus of the Stormsworn is the leader of the Stormsworn clan of The Kai and the current reigning Alakai, dethroning Two Cloud of the Grieving Storm clan through methods some would consider dishonroable or cowardly. He is a tall golden leonin with broad shoulders and an extremely muscular frame, he is usually dressed in fine furs and adorned with the skulls of both his enemies and mighty beasts he has felled. Brachus is a savage individual who loves and craves battle, but where his fellow Kai enjoy an honorable duel Brachus simply craves blood and to him it doesnt matter where it comes from. In combat he prefers to use his claws and teeth like a wild lion, though he also posesses a strange form of druid like magic provided to him by his patron deity The Jaguar Lord. With these powers he can turn into forms of animals thought to be extinct and call upon nature to destroy his foes. Brachus seeks to use his newfound power to return society to a might makes right utopia where only the strongest are allowed to live.
Cat like yellow eyes
Braided golden fur
10ft 6in
The Jaguar Lord