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The Kai

The Kai is a seafaring nation located on the chain of islands known as the Aina Hanu. The nation was founded by the legendary figure known as Baragon the Dragonrider who laid down the foundation for their culture and style of warfare. The Kai are masters of the waves, roaming the seas seeking adventure and should wartime call using the sea itself to destroy their enemies. The Kai also posess a rich culture with the three main races of the nation coming together to form hundreds of different clans, each with their own customs. Together these clans and various races come together to form one of the great powers in the world


The Kai is a monarchy made up of hundreds of different noble clans ranging from small clans with a few dozen members to massive clans with possibly hundreds of members. Each of these clans has elders and a chief and owns swaths of land on across the various islands and each of them rules their land differently, however they all pay tribute and answer to the power of the Alakai. The Alakai is the chosen monarch of The Kai and the title is won through a tournament where each clan elects a champion and has them fight in a tournament known as The Nalu. The winner is then made the Alakai and viewed as a near demi-god, this Alakai then elects five chieftons of his choosing that are elected to his personal council and serve him directly.


The Kai is a culture made up of its various founding races and its evolution as they lived together for the past few centuries. The Kai are most well known for the cleverness of their people owing this trait to the Tabaxi, one of their most populous races. It is said that a Kai merchant could swindle even the sharpest of foreign bankers or travellers and their wittiness makes them natural poets and bards. Another core aspect of their society is their connection to the sea as though the Kai people live on an island with vast jungles and savannahs they are still on an island and the sea is a vital part of their life. The Kai are the finest seafarers in the known world and their ships outspeed the finest Aleanzan and even Nordrian vessels and despite not posessing any gunpowder weapons they are deft at war at sea using tempestous magic to outflank and bring ruin to enemy ships. Finally the last core aspect of their culture is their strange code of honor, fights are expected to be fair one on one bouts, prices are fair, stealing is viewed as one of the most heinous crimes carrying severe punishment and swindling is almost unheard of. However, the caveat for this code of honor is it only applies to fellow Kai citizens and only applies in their homeland.

Demography and Population

The Kai live on the island known as the Aina Hanu which is an archipelago located far to the west of Sanctus. They occupy most of the islands on this archipelago barring the Valley of Wyverns and the Dunes of Venom which are deemed too wild to tame. Aside from a few large cities most people live in small rural farming communities or live as nomads living hunter gatherer lives. Compared to The Aleanza the population is low, but the Kai people are stronger for it as they live in a harsh and wild land.


The Kai own most of the islands located on the archipelago known as Aina Hanu aside from the Valley of Wyverns and the Dunes of Venom. The islands have belonged to the Kai since the nations founding.


The Kai posess a formidable military force made up of the various clans guard and conscripted soldiers. Each clan is expected to raise and maintain soldiers and when roused to war by the Alakai answer the call and pledge their soldiers to the war effort. The Kai military can be considered a bit unorganized with no formal organizations or process for arming their troops, however the Kai people posess strong bonds with one another and during war follow their commanders with staunch loyalty. The other huge part of the Kai military is their vast navy. The Kai posess hundreds if not thousands of vessels capable of riding the most furious storms and with their Wave Callers they are a force to be reckoned with on the sea. The final most notable part of the Kai military are the legendary Wyvern Riders, individuals brave enough to venture into The Valley of the Wyverns and steal an egg in a ritual known as Kanak'to.


While The Kai worship The Order Tide, though they often depict these gods as taking on their likeness for example some see Kalos as a leonin warrior instead of a more human appearance like the Aleanzan people do. Worship for the Ruinous Divines is also present though very rare. The other class of gods worshipped by a select few are the ancient animal gods who represent a primal connection to the land and untamed fury.

Foreign Relations

The Kai are an independant nation who takes a very isolationist approach to diplomacy choosing to remain neutral in most conflicts. They actively trade with all of the known nations and maintain non-agression pacts with each as well.
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of Government
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
The Kai make use of Gold, Silver and Copper like the rest of the world and mint their own coins.
Legislative Body
The lawmaking within the Kai is completely decided by the current Alakai who is advised by his council. He may freely change and disband laws of past Alakai, though they must be ready to face the consequences. The council are there to advise him but have no real say in the Alakai's final decisions.
Official State Religion