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Leonardo Tatesro

Gale King

Leonardo Tatesro aka The Gale King is the current leader of the The Sunstone Corsairs and a powerful Lich. Leonardo was once a powerful magic user and a renowned sailor and used these talents during The Scourge acting as a mercenary to the forces of good. However sometime along his journey his ship was sunk and in a moment of desperation he used the last of his magical might to call out to the now deceased god Vecna and forged a deal in exchange for the lives of his crew. From then on out Leonardo became a lich, who was forever cursed to serve Vecna, until her untimely death which left him free to sail the seas once again as an immortal reaver.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Leonardo appears to be a taller humanoid shaped skeleton, with his bones being of a greyish tint and showing much wear and tear. He has long white hair with a long bushy beard. This hair appears to be old and withered almost as if its barely attached to his face. His right eye glows a bright red and his left is covered by a golden eyepatch molded to look like the visage of a skull. His left hand has been replaced by an ornate hook which seems to have some sort of mechanism attached to it. He wears a long black admirals coat with golden linings and a long belt stretched across his chest. To top it off he wears a lavish black admirals cap topped with a blue feather.

Special abilities

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the lich fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.   Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.   Spellcasting. The lich is an 18th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks).   Turn Resistance. The lich has advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead.

Specialized Equipment

  • Book of Vile Darkness
  • Omen (Cutlass)
  • Coral Curass
  • Luckstone
  • Hand Cannon
  • Bag of Holding
  • Daggers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the later years of The Scourge, threats on the sea were just as numerous as on land and so the forces of order often turned to those stupid enough to sail them. Leonardo was among these stupid folk, but he carried with him an air of confidence due to his innate magical talent. Recruited to sail the seas and sink enemy ships Leonardo was a talented sailor, supplementing a ships natural weaknesses with magic and leading the crew of The Sunstone to many great victories. Leonardo loved the sea and if he could he would sail it forever and soon he would get his wish, but first he would have to experience hell. One fateful day when targeting a convoy of ships he fell right into an enemy trap and they unleashed mighty monstrosoties from the depths which boarded his ship and toar his crew limb from limb before they captured him. Over the next week Leonardo was tortured, before being strapped to a cannon and thrown into the sea. This is where he died, however seeing the potential in him, Vecna reached out to him in his final moments and offered him a deal, serve me in undeath and you shall sail the sea for eternity and faced with no other option he accepted and him, his crew and his ship were raised from the sea. From here he was in posession of a Book of Vile Darkness and with his crew served Vecna in gathering knowledge upon the sea.   However this would soon change as the death of Vecna would occur in 12BTB and this released Leonardo from her grasp leaving him and his crew to their own devices. Leonardo used this freedom to further his own goals which started with him gathering powerful artifacts of the sea and furthering his magical knowledge. After over 130 years of pillaging and hoarding knowledge he eventually desired something more and decided he would seize the concept of piracy itself and founded The Sunstone Corsairs which started with his original crew and those loyal to him. From here they built Crocodile Reef and started building the pirate empire that lasts until this day. Present time Leonardo resides in Crocodile Reef, using his underlings to further his plots and eventually hopes to rule the seas and everything in it.


Though he has long sinced abandoned romance he was once quite the romantic, known for his lustful attitude towards men and women alike.

Mental Trauma

Ever since attaining lichdom, Leonardo has been on a spiral of insanity and an insatiable lust for money, power, and magical knowledge. Its to the point where Leonardo views everyone around him as tools and trusts nobody aside from his original crewmates who have been raised from the dead. However, he is a fair leader and still maintains some semblance of compassion and bravado, but this doesnt stop him from handing out brutal punishments.

Intellectual Characteristics

Leonardo is a certified genius and with the power of immortality the knolwedge he can attain and schemes he can work are potentially limitless. This makes him an incedibly dangerous threat and with his formidable amount of resources also makes him an extremely deadly enemy.
"What are you lookin at"
Date of Birth
27 of Aetos
81 BTB 40 BTB 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed Himself
Glowing Red
Long White Flakey
Known Languages
  • All
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations