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Order of the Platinum Flower

The Order of the Platinum Flower, also referred to as the Knights of the Platinum Flower are a military order of holy knights and paladins who serve directly under the crown carrying out both the will of their patron god Bahamut and The Herald. The order was founded during The Scourge by one of Bahamuts personal disciples, a silver dragon named Azoria The Flower and her followers and they dedicated themselves to fighting evil in whatever form it took, whether it be demons, devils or a roaming band of bandits and the order has uphelp this tradition to this day acting as a large peacekeeping force and an invaluable asset in times of war with their elite warriors and wielders of holy magic. They are based out of an ancient castle along the upper Driftwood Coast known as Flower's Bloom.


The Order of The Platinum Flower is made up of knights who are sent by nobles from across The Aleanza who upon being put through rigurous training may be allowed to join the order. At first one joins as a squire serving Knights above them as servants and assisting them in battle and these knights serve under a head knight referred to as The Grandmaster who acts as the voice of the real leader, being Azorius herself. The current Grandmaster is a female dragonborn named Alreth, a direct descendant of Azorius.


Members of the order are scholars and warriors in equal measure expected to study the nations history, the history of their god and conflicts of eons past. Most mebers are incredibly wise using their vast knowledge and martial skill to keep the peace and resolve issues. Martial skill is valued but according to the order a sword is of no use if the man swinging it doesnt know why or is doing so for no purpose.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Platinum flower dedicates themselves to helping the common people of the land and vanquishing evil wherever it pops up. The order when called upin will send bands of knights out to the far reaches of the continent to slay monsters, put down riots or even just aid in reconstruction efforts making them incredibly popular with the nations peasentry. The order goes so far to lend their aid to foreign nations as the mercy of their god Bahamut is not tied to just one nation. Another unqique purpose of the order is acting as Judges, as their god is one of justice and they often act as advisors to a towns richter or even take the place of a richter directly when one is put on trial.
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Notable Members