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Shadow Claw

Chief Shadow Claw of the Ascending Wild

Shadow Claw of The Ascending Wild is the chief of The Ascending Wild clan from The Kai. Becoming its chief at a young age he was always known as a reliable and loving leader able to guide his people through the bad times and rejoice with them during the good. As time went on he soon became a father to Cal who is now an up and coming adventurer and with his family loved to explore the unknown regions of this world. However, on one of these expeditions something went horribly wrong and Shadow Claw found himself caught in a Geas spell set by The Prodigal Children after touching the head of a trident specifically the head of The Beckoner. he was then forced to abandon his family and since then has been forced to find and reforge the The Beckoner for The Prodigal Children.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Shadow Claw has recently been embued with some of Umberlee's power and as such has access to some spells relating to her. these spells mostly have to do with water and enables him to cast them up to 5th level.

Apparel & Accessories

Shadow Claw wears leather aror with a black cloak draped around him at most times. He also carries with him a large travelling backpack and on his apparel many bags, pouches, and straps to hold different containers can be seen.

Specialized Equipment

  • His two Schimitars made from Aina Hanu steel.
  • His clan's shield bearing their symbol.
  • Explorers Kit.
  • The head of The Beckoner.
  • Cloak of Invisibility.
  • Ring of Water Breathing.
  • Bag of Holding.

Mental characteristics


Shadow Claw was born into a noble clan of The Kai and a powerful one at that and ever since he was little he was educated in all matters relating to running his clan. Unique to The Ascending Wild he was also raised as a natural explorer and trained in all skills that may aid him in possible explorations as it is the passion of the clan to explore and collect.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Chief Shadow Claw of The Ascending Wild has earned his clan a spot on the Alakai's chosen 5 advisor chiefs, however his spot is currently left vacant.
  • Discovered both the first and second piece of The Beckoner, however only collected one.

Failures & Embarrassments

In 242ATB Shadow Claw was forced to abandon his family due to being caught in a Geas spell that was placed on the first piece of The Beckoner by Caesar of The Prodigal Children so that they could use him to collect the other pieces for whatever they're planning.

Mental Trauma

Shadow Claw will once and a while remember that he has his family to care about, but he cannot break out of the Geas and until he fulfills his goal is doomed to serve The Prodigal Children which causes much internal suffering.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shadow Claw is a highly intellectual and skilled individual. He is trained thoroughly in survival skills and knows how to survive in almost all environments and has also evaded pursuers from his clan for a whole year now. Along with this he skilled in martial combat favoring his two schimitars and sometimes his clan's shield when the situation calls for it and recently has taken to magic, although it isnt necassarily his.

Morality & Philosophy

Shadow Claw despises violence and prefers to leave the world as is so that he can better explore and catalogue it and despite the Geas retains this philosophy unless forced to believe otherwise. However, when push comes to shove he wont stand aside when he sees injustice or needs to protect himself and is more than willing to fight and in combat anything goes.


Family Ties

  • Kind Callisto
  • Angelic Brush
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
On a mission to gather all the pieces and reforge The Beckoner
Date of Birth
16th of Drakon
Aina Hanu
Current Residence
Crocodile Reef
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Fur
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Infernal
  • Leonin
  • Goliath
  • Primordial
  • Celestial
  • Abyssal