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Vlad Tepis Dracula

The First Vampire

Vlad Tepis Dracula is the first vampire and a being over a millenia old. He is a being of great knowledge using his immortality to travel the planes in search of knowledge, but eventually he found something else, love. After meeting a mysterious human girl Dracula found himself infatuated with her and eventually fell in love, ceasing his murderous ways and settling down, until she was kidnapped and burned at the stake by an ancient human civilization. This drove him to great anger and he raised a great army levelling the civilization before sinking back into his great castle. That was until The Scoruge began and Asmodeus would offer him a chance to get eternal vengeance and would make Dracula a god, infusing him with fiendish might. This however, came with strings as Dracula found himself bound to Asmodeus's will and since then Dracula loaths fiends and works tirelessly to break free from his chains.

Divine Domains

  • Vampirism
  • Blood

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Ever since the death of his wife Dracula has become bloodthirsty, depressed and dirven solely by his hatred of humans. However even since Asmodeus binded him to his service he has a new purpose, to destroy Asmodeus and any fiends that should even think about getting in his way and he would even work with humans to do so.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dracula posesses countless millenia of ancient and forbidden knowledge all of which is kept in his massive castle and guarded by an army of horrors of the night. He uses this knowledge to pursue his goals and is constantly seeking new additions to his collection.

Morality & Philosophy

Dracula was once a kind and gentle "man" using his knowledge of medicine and healing to help people and bring about a new era of peace and prospoeirty, but when his wife was taken by the very people he was helping he snapped, becoming a bloodthirsty monster hellbent on the extermination of fiends and humans.
Divine Classification
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Known Languages