Dohaki Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Dohaki (dough-hah-kee)

The Goddess Dokahi lives in the Benthic Deep, leagues below the Seas Beyond. The Benthic Deep is shrouded in complete darkness, and the monsters that live there are enormous, blind and colorless.    Dokahi prefers the form of a centaurian kraken, her human bulk perched atop a mass of writhing black tentacles. Dokahi sees herself as the Holy Mother, the nurturer of the unwanted. She cares for monsters, for the abandoned, for the betrayed. Many a good mortal, badly done by family, friends, law, or lover has been seduced by the Dark Mother’s promises of shelter and revenge… for a price. Dokahi keeps her word, but she never does something for nothing, and she always gets more than she gives.    Mortals and many monsters cannot bear the chill and darkness of the Benthic Deep, so Dokahi and her entourage travel to the mortal sea near the island of Rhukug, and to Bathyal, the dark realm of the Vodarian afterlife. She detests land and light, as none of her preferred forms can survive without the moisture and buoyancy of water. The heat of the sun sears the slimy surface of her skin. Dokahi favors poets, living, dead, and undead. She feeds on their despair and revels in their art. Many poets refuse to worship the Dark Mother, but they feel her tempting them as they rend their hearts to pen their epic tales.    Dokahi favors parents and guardians who impose harsh rules and punishments upon the children in their care, who love with a powerful possessive love, who believe that their children owe them a debt. Dokahi extends her blessings to outcasts and monsters throughout Vodari, and they are grateful. All who make a bargain with Dokahi, no matter how clever they are, end up as her slaves.

Divine Domains

Deep Sea, Tragic Poetry, Monsters

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A four-limbed octopus

Tenets of Faith

  • Obey your Dark Mother without question or pause.
  • Create tales of tragedy that can be told in the dark.
  • Seek other outcasts and bring them to her, to bask in the shelter of her eternal love.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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