Benthic Deep Geographic Location in Vodari | World Anvil
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Benthic Deep

Down beyond Alycon and Bathyal lies the Benthic Deep, the realm of Dokahi. The Deep is below the bottom of the sea, deeper than trenches, where dark magic flows freely and where the pressure renders monsters flat, misshapen and boneless. The monsters in the Benthic Deep are blind and pale. Their bioluminescence is a cruel trick of nature, because none of them can see by their own faint light.   Dokahi sits on a throne of her own black tentacles, eyes closed, caring for her hideous children with tender hands and divine power. Vesi met Dokahi when she fled to the Benthic Deep to avoid the harshness of Taeva’s light. The goddesses have a close bond, but an uneasy alliance. Dokahi attempts to coddle Vesi like a child, to foster weakness and dependence, a practice that the rebellious goddess dislikes intensely.   Mortals and monsters would not survive the crushing pressure of the Benthic Deep without magical assistance. Even then, most would be smothered or devoured by one of Dokahi’s blind children, who can sense disturbances in the water. This is the darkest place in the Seas Beyond, and only fools explore here.
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