Kalder Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Kalder (call-der)

In the Lost Ages, a Verdaani hero named Kalder sacrificed his life for his people. His people celebrated his valor and burned his body in his longship, war axe clutched in his cold hand.    Mirta escorted Kalder to the silent shore. Taking the coins from his eyes, he bounded onto the ship to Alcyon, where the dead are rewarded for their good deeds. In Alcyon, Kalder was surprised to find the souls of heroes and many other good folk living wild, eating roots and berries with no meat, ale, or shelter. His soul still bore the axe he wielded in life, ever-sharp, slicing wood like it was butter and needing no whetstone. Kalder made himself a hut to begin with, then he waited.    Soon the other souls of Alcyon asked Kalder to help them build their own homes. At first he declined. They came back, one and all, now begging for his assistance or to borrow his axe. Kalder refused them again, but the third time they asked, he said, “Make me your king, and we will build a kingdom together.” The souls agreed. Kalder and his people built a rough-hewn town of huts, storehouses, buildings for craftspeople to create in, and a mead-hall with an endless table that expanded to seat all who wished to feast there. Kalder’s town was called Djarllingdom and his hall Djervhet. It was said that the platters in Djervhet were never empty, nor were the tankards, and the entertainment never ended.    Kalder was raised to godhood by Mirta so he could watch over the borders of Alcyon, a counterpart to Morto in Bathyal. He protects the souls of the brave and valiant, and prevents the living from boarding the three ships before their time.

Divine Domains

Winter, Survival, Valor

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A three-pointed snowflake

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor the dead, especially the brave and valiant and those who have done good deeds.
  • Do not attempt to travel to the Seas Beyond before your time.
  • Be brave and true in life and in the afterlife.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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