Alcyon Geographic Location in Vodari | World Anvil
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Alcyon is land and sea, it is lush green forests, many-colored sunsets, eternally blooming flowers and fields yielding bountiful harvests collected by unseen hands. Closest to the silent shore of all the Seas Beyond, Alcyon is the first afterlife of the Vodarians, the haven that Morto created for the brave and virtuous dead before he came to revile them.   Alcyon is pliable to the imagination of souls. Tenacious souls with strength of will can mold the landscape according to their desires. The peace of Alcyon is the reward for a life lived in the service of good.   The kingdom of Djarllingdom in Alcyon was built by King Kalder, and led to his apotheosis. The King’s seat is the mead hall known as Djervhet, a place of delight where the barrels of mead are always brimming, the tables are always laden with delicious feasts and any object a hero desired in life can be easily bartered for.   Unfortunately for Kalder, cursed souls with unfinished business left the Seas Beyond and returned to Varanu. They told tales of Djervhet, the happy times they spent there and how they longed to return. Many of the living mortals of Varanu were tempted to seek Djervhet before they died, and the most adventurous couldn’t resist. They found their way to the Teeth, sought the silent shore, then stowed away on the three ships, trying to reach Alcyon. Living mortals are heavier than souls, and they began to lower the draft of the ships, sinking them deeper into the sea.   The Captains of the three ships asked Mirta to stop the living from invading the realm of the dead, but Taeva and Vesi were at war and Mirta was exhausted from escorting so many souls. At last, Captain Cyria and Captain Fathom refused to take on passengers, dead or living. Captain Barassh collected gold, souls, mortals, whatever he could scrounge, and ferried them all to Bathyal to serve Morto and his necromancers.   Mirta, furious at the Captains’ betrayal, almost destroyed them with an ancient curse for abandoning their duties, but reconsidered at the last moment. She raised Kalder to godhood, commanding him to watch over Alcyon and make sure none of the living could enter. With his oath, the Captains resumed their duties.
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