Morto Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Morto (more-toe)

Mortals tell tales of seeing Morto as a tall, pale figure in a dark hooded robe. “Don’t play in the graveyard after dark,” parents say, “If you do, Morto will raise the dead from the ground and they will eat… you… up.”    Outside of stories, Morto has long abandoned any desire to appear mortal. His preferred form is a giant serpent, fangs dripping with venom. In this form, Morto propels himself at astonishing speed. He speaks in a hissing whisper, using his forked tongue to tickle his followers when he is pleased and to lash them when he is wrathful. He doesn’t mind being feared by lesser mortals.    Morto’s first devotees were those who could summon the dead from their graves, and sometimes the dead themselves. They venerated and honored Morto by amassing armies of zombies, skeletons, and ghosts. Morto was pleased to aid mortals in breaking life’s circle.    When Morto stopped guiding souls to the afterlife, his sister Mirta, with the aid of that feckless Fortana, took over his former duties. His refusal to guide the dead to the afterlife led to a severely depleted supply of undead servants as Mirta’s interference slowed the tide of undead to a mere trickle.    Morto’s necromancers, seers, sorcerers, and mediums grew frustrated. In the darkest shadows, they made bloody sacrifices to the god, and he answered with violence. He thwarted Mirta’s compassionate work, disrupting the tapestry of the world, raising as many of the dead as he could to walk restless upon the earth. Since that day, Morto has allied himself with the Destroyers. He has a particular hatred for his sister, Mirta, followed by Fortana, then any and all who would thwart his campaign of darkness.

Divine Domains

Necromancy, Secrets

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A broken circle with a slash through it

Tenets of Faith

  • Unearth secrets and use them to gain power.
  • Use venom and necromancy to unravel the tapestry of the world, spreading decay and raising the dead from their natural rest.
  • Summon and gather the undead to increase their own power.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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