Bathyal Geographic Location in Vodari | World Anvil
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When Morto felt despised by the mortals of Vodari, he came to Bathyal to lick his wounds and gather his power. He shaped Bathyal with his secrets, with doom, whispers, betrayal, abandonment, and shame. By ship Bathyal is farther from the silent shore than gentle Alcyon, though both exist in their own peculiar space and do not have physical, chartable coordinates. Souls drawn to darkness, decay, shadows, and fear come here for their afterlife. Molding the landscape of Bathyal is possible, but done through dominating others, not through personal strength. The terror of Bathyal is the fate of evildoers, those who used their strength or wiles to dominate others in life, causing ruin and despair.   Deep in the jungles of Bathyal, the ruined necropolis of Mortopolis rises, a many-storied city of mausoleums covered in vines, moss, and mold. Among the mausoleums are quarters for the god Morto and the souls who serve him. Many souls of powerful necromancers wait here to possess the bodies of the newly dead, send instructions to the living from the mouths of ghosts and zombies, or aid living necromancers in their murderous pursuits. The narrow streets of Mortopolis are labyrinthine, and finding Morto himself is nearly impossible unless he wishes to be found.   Evil dead who don’t want to be undead become servants, torturers, or torture victims if they remain in Mortopolis. Many attempt to escape to the wilds of Bathyal, and some succeed.
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