Fomorian Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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  Fomorians were a race of Giant-Kin hideously deformed by an ancient curse, considered to be the most hideous and wicked of all the Giant races. The deformities that Fomorians had varied widely between individuals. These included such things as randomly distributed facial features, disproportionate or crooked limbs, humpbacks, long pointed heads, flapping ears, large noses, or mouths that were either gaping or tiny. General features shared by all Fomorians was a skin tone that ranged from purple-gray to pale-white, varying degrees of large warts scattered across their body, and one eye that was larger than other. This eye, known as their "Evil Eye," had a cat-like iris and varied in color.   Hairlessness was relatively common among Fomorians of both sexes though some were known to have scattered patches of hair that were as tough as wire. There was no single odor associated with them — some were completely lacking, while others smelled strongly due to having overactive sweat glands.   Due to their deformities they largely wore mere scraps of cloth, though some were known to dress in kilts and tabards of fine quality. They tended to work any bits of metal or pieces of armor they could find and scavenge into their clothes for added protection.  
  Due to sometimes having enlarged ears and/or noses, as well as the grotesque positioning of their sensory organs, Fomorians possessed keen perceptive abilities that made it hard to sneak up on them. Their deformities were also said to render them immune to all forms of lycanthropy. Fomorians were capable of passing their race's curse on to other creatures, which was a remnant of their race's lost spellcasting abilities. This was done by staring at creatures within 60ft of them with their "Evil Eye." Those afflicted would temporarily have their bodies twisted and deformed, subjected to the malice and pain they live with, and in some cases even immobilize them.   Some Fomorians became so obsessed with beauty that they took on the role of a witch. Such Fomorians learned how to use their "Evil Eye" as a source of magic and how to alter bodies through alchemy. They primarily used these to alter their own bodies into more desirable forms, but being unable to perfect themselves these witches were often driven to using their powers to find or create flaws in other people.  
  Due to their deformities, Fomorians were incapable of throwing boulders the way other Giants did. In combat they utilized all varieties of blunt weaponry. They were often known to wield Greatclubs, flails, maces, and giant-sized bolas. The strongest among them would wield crude shields and typically had better armor. A typical strategy for them was to sneak up behind their opponents and hit them as hard as possible.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fomorians could live on little to no food for many weeks. Some typical foods eaten by those underground included fungi, lichen, various types of plants, bats, fish, and mice. They especially favored the taste of large mammals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fomorian society was based around viciousness, with the cruelest and strongest among them typically taking the role of leader. They were also highly patriarchal, typically treating their women and children no better than slaves. Acts of violence were common among them. In the Feydark, Fomorian rulers were typically known to enforce their rule through fear and oppression. They were notorious for being incredibly paranoid, fearful of insurrection, and having extensive spy networks that they relied on to oversee their domains. This paranoia wasn't unwarranted through, for Fomorians often plotted against one another and schemed to usurp the power of those who ruled them.  
  Some claimed that Fomorians held esteem for no deities, however, they were primarily seen to worship the deity Karontor and considered him to be their patron deity. Most Fomorians believed that the prophesied king of Giants would be born as a Fomorian and would not realize his destiny at first, but when he did, he would be transformed into a Giant larger than any Titan, and subsequently transform the entire Fomorian race also.

Civilization and Culture


The progenitor of this race was one of the four sons that the giant goddess Othea produced from her union with Ulutiu. Fomorians were once an incredibly beautiful race, the most handsome of all Giants. During that time they lived in the Feywild and were allies with the plane's Elves.   However, over time the Fomorians' hearts became twisted by a lust for power and magic that drove them to try and conquer the Feywild. They sought to enslave its inhabitants and take their magic for themselves. The Fey ultimately fought back against them and subjected their race to a curse. This warped their bodies to reflect the evil within their hearts and robbed them of their spellcasting abilities. The Fomorians would then flee from the light of the surface world, down into the Feydark and Underdark.
  Size   Huge   Type   Giant-Kin   Alignment   Chaotic Evil   Challenge Rating   8  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision   Activity Cycle   Any   Diet   Omnivore   Homeland(s)   The Feywild -Feydark-; Underdark   Language(s)   Jotun, Undercommon   Favored Climate   Any   Favored Terrain   Mountains; Underground

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