Verbeeg Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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Verbeeg (vur-BEEGZ)

  Verbeegs were Giant-Kin and were also sometimes known as Human Behemoths because they resembled Humans more than any other Giant race. Verbeegs greatly resembled Humans, but had gangly limbs and elongated faces.  
  A Verbeeg was usually Chaotic Neutral or Neutral. They used their extreme cunning to their advantage where possible. Being conniving, these Giants still possessed a certain sense of honor. They often followed their own rules: never give a sucker a break, and always keep your word. Verbeegs often worded their promises and turns of phrase so they were able to get out of pledging things they did not want to follow up on.  
  Verbeegs were known to craft their own armor and weaponry, with thrown spears being preferred above all else. With many being accomplished spear-fighters. Those with minions were known to send them into battle first, softening up their adversaries before joining the fray themselves. A Verbeeg used their cunning intelligence to mislead their prey by playing on their expectations—mimicking in their actions and speech both Ogres and Hill Giants. When the victims of deception assumed perceived superiority or thinking the Verbeeg outwitted, the Giants turned the tables on them. They often manipulated the prey's honor, fairness, and justice using them against the victims.

Civilization and Culture


The Verbeeg race was created when Othea, wife of the Giant deity Annam, All Father, had an affair with Ulutiu. Like all the Giant-Kin races, they were never granted a portion land by Annam from which to found their own "dynasty" inside the kingdom of Ostoria. They were initially welcomed by their fellow Giants and learned their ways, but once their true parentage had been discovered by Annam he cast them out. They became excluded from the societies of true Giants, despite Othea's best efforts to protect them. The Verbeegs did not take this lying down, endeavoring to build their own works of art and cities, but the true Giants allow them no place within their borders. This was especially the case with the Storm Giants and Titans. As centuries passed the Verbeeg became more savage and vicious, until they were barely recognizable from what they once were.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

It was not unusual for Verbeegs to bully the Giants of lower intellect, like Hill Giants and Ogres, becoming leaders of gangs of them. Verbeegs enjoyed the company of mammalian beasts, often letting wild ones such as Bears and Wolves take up residence in their lairs. They were also known to catch and keep domesticated animals for food and trade, such as Cattle, Goats, Horses, and Sheep.
  Size   Large   Type   Giant-Kin   Alignment   Neutral Evil; Neutral  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision   Homeland(s)   Feywild   Intelligence   Average   Language(s)   Common, Elven, Jotun

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