Voadkyn Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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  Voadkyn, otherwise known as Wood Giants, were a race of Giant-Kin who shunned contact with other giants and lived in temperate and warm forests. Voadkyn looked a lot like the trees native to Volatia so finding one could pose a difficult task as they blend in quite well with the surrounding brush and trees.  
  Voadkyn were said to dislike jovial behavior, preferring instead to brood in silence. Others said that they were fun-loving creatures with a rather flighty and frivolous nature. Many were noted as having a fondness for finely cut gems and magic items of quality craftsmanship.   Much like Firbolgs, Voadkyn were often known to be benevolent creatures.  
  They had the ability to magically disguise themselves as a generic specimen of any Humanoid creature 3ft‒15ft in height. And though it was a rare occurrence, some Voadkyn were known to possess druidic powers.  
  Voadkyn primarily worshiped the goddess Hiatea. Some were known to worship Rillifane Rallathil and serve him as Druids.

Civilization and Culture


There was some dispute as to whether the Voadkyn race was created when Othea, wife of the Giant deity Annam, All Father, had an affair with Ulutiu, or whether the race was the product of Annam. A Giant Stormazîn apparently once proved that Dunmore was Ulutiu's child and that Othea tricked Annam into believing that he was his own so that Dunmore could spy on Annam and his children, meaning that the Voadkyn were Giant-kKn and not "true Giants", but the Voadkyn preferred to believe the opposite. Like all the Giant-Kin races, they were never granted a portion land by Annam from which to found their own "dynasty" inside the kingdom of Ostoria. They were initially welcomed by their fellow Giants and learned their ways, but once their true parentage had been discovered by Annam he cast them out. They became excluded from the societies of true Giants, despite Othea's best efforts to protect them. They then decided that since Annam had not given the forests of Ostoria to any of his sons, they would take then as their own domain, after which they cut off most relations with both Giants and Giant-Kin.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Voadkyn generally did not associate with other Giant races. They believed themselves to be their superiors and that they were unfairly placed near to the bottom of the Ordning in terms of racial status. Compared to other giant races, the Voadkyn had good relations with Elves, often co-existing with Wood Elves and occasionally living within their lairs. But beyond Elves and the occasional Treant, Voadkyn were not known for socializing with other intelligent races.
  Size   Large   Alignment   Chaotic Good   Homeland(s)   The Prime Material Plane, Feywild  
General Information
Activity Cycle   Day   Diet   Herbivore   Favored Climate   Temperate   Favored Terrain   Forests

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