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Gruumsh One-Eye

Gruumsh One-Eye is the patron diety of Orcs, chief diety of the orcish pantheon of The Gods of Strength, and a formidible war god.   He pushes the orcs to conquer Vorago, though they don't listen very consistently. There is some level of embarassment among intelligent, experienced orcs that their chief deity is kind of a moron, though they would never admit it publicly.

Divine Domains

Gruumsh is primarily associated with the War domain.

Holy Books & Codes

Gruumsh's teachings are not indexed or written, but are memorized and recanted by Horde Orc shamans as tales of his deeds in the land of the gods. His actions are to be role models for the orcs.

Tenets of Faith

The principle belief of Gruumsh is the superiority and rightful conquest of the world by orcs, his spawn. He demands and bolsters strength and aggression in his children, and defines a good orc as a bloodthirsty warrior. Unlike some war gods, the conflict itself is not the goal (the conquest is), but it is to be enjoyed.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Gruumsh seeks to conquer the divine and material realms. It's not realistic, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care for the individual lives of his followers.   To him, Vorago is a perfect opportunity to spread his war across the universe, and he commands the orcs to send a fleet out from the southern shores of the hordelands during each seameld to conquer other unsuspecting lands.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: War, bloodshed, conquest, orcish supremacy, praise, his family pantheon Dislikes: Everything and everyone else


Family Ties

Gruumsh's harem and family makes up the rest of the orc pantheon. His various wives are the goddesses of childbirth, crafts, good food, sex, etc. His many children include the orc gods of hunting, riding, friendship, and archery.

Social Aptitude

Gruumsh, when he reveals himself to mortals, is blunt and demanding, almost petulent. His will is imposed directly onto the bodily impulses of his followers; it is quite rewarding for those whose will aligns with his, but disconcerting when for orcs who didsagree with the commands. This tends to polarize his followers into either a bloodthirsty revelatory devotion or a secret resentment at a lack of autonomy.   Many shamans have been almost disappointed by his (seeming) lack of intelligence, and many warriors disconcerted by the enhanced cognitive dissonance between their deity's will and their own. Because of this, some orcs have techniques from temporarily "distracting" Gruumsh so they can talk and feel freely without invoking his ire.
Divine Classification
Perennial God
One with an eyepatch


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