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Horde Orcs

Horde Orc is a predominantly Orc culture in The Horde Lands. They are the most militarily powerful culture in the Horde Lands, and worship the orcish pantheon of The Gods of Strength, primarily Gruumsh One-Eye.


Major language groups and dialects

Orcish is the simple, widespread language used by all the tribes, without notably different dialects (there is much intermixing). Other Hordelands groups like the goblins and The Wyldermen also tend to speak orc. One orc in a group usually also speaks common.

Shared customary codes and values

Horde orc culture follows the dictates of the Gods of Strength and places strength before all else. Family is close behind, however. Bodily strength and prowess is most valued, but magical or technical skill is respected. Verbal or rhetorical "strength" is seen as deceptive and cowardly; one should always put things as clearly and bluntly as possible.   Horde orc codes encourage solving interpersonal problems quickly and bluntly, but then making amends afterward and moving on, to preserve the strength of the group.

Common Dress code

Horde orc dress code is primarily practical, so anything you've got will do so long as it's functional. That being said, they love hats (it gets cold when you don't have hair), and use them to show uniqueness. It is not unusual to see an orc warrior with an elven helmet, a Palpariel staw hat, or am expensive mermaid tiara.

Art & Architecture

Horde orc construction is primarily made of large bones and hides (their shamans have some way of permanently enlarging carved bones). They like flapping banners stuck high in the air.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Horde orc groups use a simple flag-based signaling system to convey intentions and group affinity at range. One permanent flag conveys the tribe and personal family crest of the orc, while another of a solid color is swapped out situaitonally to convey messages like "successful hunt", "looking to trade/parley", or "we're going to raid your shit". It is considered extremely suspicious to not raise a flag.


Gender Ideals

Horde Orcs, having very weak sexual dimorphism, do not distinguish strongly between genders; in fact, the orcish language generally only uses neutral pronouns (but is quite specific for referring to group sizes). Horde activities and jobs are not assigned by gender, though pregnant women don't tend to go on raids.

Relationship Ideals

Horde orc cultures are hypergamous; strong mates (of either sex) are encouraged to take multiple partners. The status of being in a relationship does not automatically confer affection, but rather context-dependent status. That being said, horde orcs do tend to have favorite partners and are sometimes monogamous for long stretches of time.

Major organizations

Horde Orcs are split into a few different tribes. Generally, these tribes will get along due to preferring to raid goblins or civilized settlements, but have been known to feud. The two largest orc tribes are the Firetusks and the Grey Tide.
Encompassed species
Related Locations


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