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The Gods of Strength

A loose pantheon of deities worshipped in The Horde Lands. The deities here don't always get along, but are generally more similar to each other than to Patchwork deity.   The Gods of Strength value strength and skill, are honored by displays of such, and demand competition. "Unfair" exercises of strength (such as attacking unarmed farmers) is generally seen as less worthy than a "fair" fight, but is certainly not disallowed.   There are a few pantheons included in the Gods of Strength:   *The Orcish Pantheon* Lead by Gruumsh One-Eye, the orcish pantheon is the most powerful (in military terms) Horde pantheon. Generally hostile to The Patchwork and dismissive of the other Horde pantheons. The Orcish pantheon values family second to strength, and the purpose of strength is to provide for the tribe and honor the gods. While Orcs are clearly favored, other races are not necessarily excluded from the favor of this pantheon.   *The Goblinoid Pantheon* Dominated by Maglubiyet, the goblinoid pantheon consists of weaker gods subjugated by Maglubiyet. Consistently aggressive towards all other races, the Goblinoid pantheon is kept in check by the stronger Orcish pantheon worshippers. Unlike other pantheons, this one glorifies the domination of the weak by the strong and "unfair" tactics.   *The Wild Gods* A conglomerate of gods and powerful spirits honored by the various barbarian and raider cultures which occasionally arrive on Vorago, and a melting pot of Orc, human, githyanki, dhampir, and dragonborn cultures. Generally considered less evil than the other two major pantheons, they are still wild and brash but have made agreements with the Patchwork in the past.   *Demonic Influences* It is not uncommon for demonic cults to seize control of one or more hordes, supercharging them and becoming the continent's Big Bad for a year or two. Detested by the other Horde pantheons.

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