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Mantle of Years

A Mantle of Years is a small team of professional guards assigned to important old Elves in The Elven Coalition, specifically of recognized elven citizens of 550 years of age or more. The mantle is a tradition meant to venerate and preserve the wisdom of the ancients, on the state's dime. A mantle accompanies their ward everywhere, including outside Coalition territory, and also acts as a set of servants or aides.



A standard Mantle consists of three warriors and one spellcaster, typically a wizard. More important wards may be assigned a mantle of double the size, but are usually just assigned agents of higher competence.


The guards are equipped with +1 magic weapons (usually spears), shields, and shortswords for close combat. One may also carry a crossbow. The spellcaster is equipped with an arcane focus, and can usually prepare spells of up to 4th level. The exact style of the shields and livery depends on the aesthetic sensibilities of the elf being guarded.


The spellcaster ranks above the three warriors, but all of them answer directly to their ward. Their ward's commands take priority even over commands from their superior officers, except in cases of treason against the Coalition.



Mantle warriors are usually selected from veteran coalition troops as a reward for good service (being a mantle is considered a cushy job).


The Mantle of Years program was created during the uncontested years of elven coalition supremacy in response to the rise of the Assassins Guild. Since then, the program has been a topic of continual political debate: Should half-elves be granted a mantle? Should elderly human citizens be granted them? Should the age bar be lowered? What about important non-citizen elves? Ultimately, the program continues to serve the interest of the elven elite.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 17, 2024 06:04 by Marjorie Ariel

Ooh, I like the controversy over who should or should not recieve a mantel