Starfalls Physical / Metaphysical Law in Vorago | World Anvil
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When Vorago's physical body smashes into an uninhabited astral body, a Starfall occurs. This only happens with uninhabited bodies (mostly asteroids and barren planets if Vorago would get close to colliding with an inhabited planet it does a Seameld instead, and any inhabited smaller objects (eg. astral ships) simply get absorbed.   A Starfall is a planetary defense mechanism to stop Vorago from being annihilated by accidentally colliding with other astral bodies (though most people wouldn't know this). Vorago's artificial upper atmosphere magically destroys the incoming body once it gets too close, breaking it into millions of pieces. Parts of those pieces will, like real meteors, reach the ground after mostly being destroyed in the atmosphere, creating large craters.


Starfalls are first observed days in advance by astute astrologers, who may notice a growing star in the sky. In the hours before a starfall the "star" will grow especially bright, then suddenly explode in color and disappear (this may happen nearly invisibly during the day).   After the explosion, the real Starfall will occur and anywhere from a handful to a few hundred small meteors will impact Vorago's surface. These meteors only rarely have enough force to create a crater wider than the foundaton of a large house and rarely land on buildings or people (just due to chance). Meteors often contain rare or unique metals (especially if the destroyed astral body was not a normal planet), and often are extremely magically active from passing through the special upper atmosphere! ...and sometimes they're just mundanely radioactive.


This effect happens pretty evenly across Vorago, as it's a planetary effect. It is worth noting that starfalls never happen during a seameld, because Vorago is no longer materially a comet but instead a continent on the planet it's melding with (until it leaves its system).


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