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Starmetal is a loose category of any metallic material delivered to Vorago via Starfalls. The actual materials may be common meteoric iron, platinum from a massive starship, divine gold from the fragments of a spacefaring demigod's weapon, basic nickel from an asteroid, or a mysterious grey metal from the far realm which reshapes itself in response to psychic commands. Despite this vast diversity, all starmetal shares some common properties, originating from their journey through Vorago's upper atmosphere.


Material Characteristics

Starmetal is typically shinier than its non-starmetal relatives of the same material, and it extremely difficult to tarnish.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Starmetal materials are extremely magically active. They take and hold new enchantments easily and those attached magics tend to have stronger effects. However, they are also extremely reactive to other magic unless specially treated and crafted.   Starmetal is not indestructible, but it is very resistant to chemical and magical decay and tarnish. It also tends to have slightly higher melting points and is notoriously difficult to forge and reforge.


Starmetal is difficult to alloy, even with its own mundane metal, but it is possible with careful forging and alchemy. Creating starmetal alloy is a good way to spread starmetal's physical and magical effects to a greater volume of material, but the effects are pretty diluted.

Origin & Source

Starmetal originates from the meteorites from Starfalls. A typical meteorite has just enough to create a shield or weapon, but some meteorites are larger. Many meteorites have no starmetal at all, though.

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

Because starmetal forging is so time-consuming and difficult, only some Dwarf Clans of Dunheim still have the knowledge and stubbornness to practice the art. They guard the exact alchemical and forging techniques jealously. Though the Dwarves are the sole industrial manufacturers, ambitious solo craftsmen throughout the ages have used single starmetal pieces to create unique tools and weaponry independently. Most of the extremely powerful magical items on Vorago have some amount of starmetal.   Starmetal is usually used to make magical weapons and armor, but is also common in large magical machines. After The Destabilization, it is more often used as an ingredient for Spell Scrambling.


Starmetal is occasionally radioactive, sometimes to a hazardous extent. These pieces are typically labelled as "cursed", but that doesn't stop madmen from using them!


Trade & Market

Starmetal is highly valuable regardless of its base material. There are dedicated merchant companies which chart and seek out the sites of meteorite landings to collect starmetal. Most of it is eventually bought by the dwarf clans.
Varies, but always high
Faint ozone smell
Like a battery
Any, but typically shinier than usual


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