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Temple of Love

A Temple of Love are a common building in medium and large settlements which worship The Patchwork. While they may also have a small shrine in the Patchwork Plaza, deities related to family, love, and sex often have their own separate shared temple somewhere else. They are usually staffed with at least one cleric, who spends most of their time as a councilor.

Purpose / Function

A temple of love has two main purposes; first to honor their deity subset, and second to promote love and family in their settlement. They do important family functions like hosting weddings and officializing divorces and marriages, usually with legal authority. They also host functions; town dances where young people meet, sermons about love on the relevant holy days, or even karaoke nights with catering for local couples.   The cleric(s) usually provides individual services as well, such as family planning support for couples, couples therapy, and surreptitious sex-ed advice for young people who discretely seek them out. The rumors of "divine sex blessings" are definitively denied by these clerics, but who knows?


Most temples of love are built with the popular architechtural style of the region. They almost always have a large indoor hall for merriment, weddings, or sermons, as well as a garden, one or more clerical offices/chambers, and a few side prayer rooms. These prayer rooms sometimes have benches large and plush enough that one could almost mistake them for a bed. The main hall typically has stained glass windows depicting the relevant deities, as well as shrines to each of them somewhere nearby. Again, this stuff isn't very standardized.   Well-funded temples often have large gardens and scenic views to host weddings.
Temple / Religious complex
Owning Organization


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