The Blood Archivist Character in Vorago | World Anvil
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The Blood Archivist

Baroness Sophia Anaphilia Ouranos

The intellectually-inclined vampire lord of the Bloodless Citadel, ruling since the Golden Age of magic (roughly 800 years). Previously one of the drivers of the Golden Age, but became isolationist after a massive heist.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A voluptuous, extremely pale-skinned vampire with writing along her forearms, her hair in a tight braided high ponytail.

Body Features

Semi-clawed hands and feet.

Facial Features

Ruby red eyes and lips, horn-rimmed glasses, fangs

Identifying Characteristics

Ink writing all along her forearms which appears and vanishes at her whim.

Physical quirks

Usually floats instead of walking

Special abilities

Vampire bullshit of the highest order

Apparel & Accessories

Generally masculine clothing (scholars' robes, tailored black suit, button-up shirt), high heels, small jewelry

Specialized Equipment

Certainly many magical items disguised on her person

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to aristocratic parents in the decades before the formation of the magocracy, Sophia attained great renown as a wizard and scholar. In a bid to gain a seat as a unique magic representative in the infantile Magocratos, she launched an assault on the Bloodless Citadel. She was presumed dead after disappearing during her duel with the vampire lord at the time.   For nearly 200 years, the Bloodless Citadel stayed quiet, until one day it suddenly opened communications with the powers of the world; the missive claimed the citadel was under new management. Sophia had indeed died in the duel, but had been raised as a spawn minion to the previous lord; after 200 years of attempts, she had finally usurped him and become a true vampire lord.   The new baroness claimed to hold powerful ancient secrets of blood magic, necromancy, interplanar travel, and even immortality, as well as centuries of long-lost history, and wished to share them with the world. Her price was simple; flesh. After public denouncements, both major powers of the time (The Elven Coalition and The Magocratos) actually engaged in backroom negotiations; eventually both superpowers accepted the trade to some extent, as the Baroness played them off their fears of one another.   Just as the citadel was becoming integrated into the modern world as a living city, The Great Library Heist occurred. This act, read as a betrayal of the outside world by the new Blood Archivist, prompted her to cut off the citadel from the outside world, and so it remains to this day.   After the Destabilization, the Archivist has reportedly exchanged letters (via bat) with some mortal scholars and leaders but has so far kept the Citadel closed to all but a select few.


Extremely high; not only one of the most educated people in the foundign Magocratos, but also the keeper of one of the oldest and most arcane libraries in Vorago, with centuries of study-time.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Raising the Bloodless CItadel from a decayed ruin into a formidible isolationist city state.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her original loss at the hands of her vampire sire, and the century of servitude following.   The great library heist still stings as a failure to live up to her ideals and a betrayal by short-lived fools.

Mental Trauma

A century of enslavement.

Intellectual Characteristics

The Archivist is quite neurotic about the preservation of knowledge ofevery kind. The deaths of countless peasants mean nothing to her, but the death of a scholar or worse, the loss of their work, can move her to bloody tears (or blinding rage)

Morality & Philosophy

The Blood Archivist believes that knowledge, not life, is the most sacred thing in existence. Knowledge and power do not serve life; life and power are tools to the creation and perpetuation of knowledge. To this end, she has a strict moral code, but not one which values life (except those of the wise).

Personality Characteristics


The preservation of knowledge, free from the meddling grasping hands of fickle mortality


The Baroness is responsible for the growth of the Bloodless Citadel as a modern geopolitical force and its continued isolation. She is also, inadvertantly, responsible for the proliferation of many powerful vampiric relics across Vorago.

Wealth & Financial state

Vast in knowledge and power, relatively poor in material goods.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Blood Archivist Baroness of the Bloodless Citadel Mistress of the Red Library
Masculine attire, feminine details
Ruby Red
Long, white, kept in a long braided high ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Vampiric white
150 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Practically All, to academic fluency.


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