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The Magocratos

The fallen superpower which once ruled half of Vorago. Run by a vast council of diverse mages, it was responsible for both the most prosperous golden age and most destructive war in Vorago's history.   Though it is politically nonexistent, much of its infrastructure and Cratic culture still unites the western half of Vorago.


The Magocratos was a parliament consisting solely of mages. It generally operated like the roman senate or greek forum, where each member represented both their constituent population and a style of magic. Thus, more common magic styles were better represented, but each magic, no matter how rare or strange, was guaranteed at least one seat on the council. Thus, the council often included foreign representatives who held official voting and speaking rights.   The forum then appointed their own members as well as beaurocrats and specialists to "special counsuls" to deal with specific granular issues like budget, agriculture, education, etc. They gave orders to the permanent executive positions relevent to the subject (judges, district schoolmasters, police chiefs, generals, etc).


The magocratos encouraged a culture of egalitarianism, open-mindedness, and collaboration. The state and its members typically reacted to new and strange things with interest and curiousity, rather than fear or disdain. The state motto was "Diversity is knowledge, knowledge is power". This philosophy is well preserved in the common liturgy of The Patchwork.

Public Agenda

The magocratos was an expansionist geopolitical state with dreams of uniting the world philosophically and geopolitically. It wielded both soft diplomatic and hard military power to continuously increase its domain, and was extremely hungry for scholarship, expertise, and magical artifacts. Sometimes this was peaceful, sometimes very much not so.


The Magocratos, at its height, boasted one of the most powerful militaries Vorago had ever seen. Moreover, they were the undisputed masters and capital of magical thought and invention during the Golden Age, which they atrtibuted to their vast diversity of scholars and mages of different magical fields. The country was also extremely wealthy, dominating trade on the western coastline.


The Magocratos rose out of more than a century of peace provided by the Elven Protectorate (the predecessor of the Elven Coalition), It began with the city-state of Farsight, wherein a revolution overturned the feudal lord and put a council of mages in place. Driven by the popular mandate for political representation but also playing on the culture's heightened opinion of mages, the revolutionary leaders expanded the council to the system which would become the Magocratos forum until its dissolution. After a few decades of restabilization, the city-state began to expand and absorb, but not "conquer", its neighbors. The nation developed strong soft power methods and kept civilian living standards relatively high, which kept the Elven Protectorate from branding them as a threat.   The Magocratos, now near fully grown, attempted to unshackle istelf from the Protectorate's oversight; thus began The Fire Wars. Neither side emerged victorious, but the Magocratos had won in establishing itself as a rival and independent power. As the Protectorate accepted this and diplomacy took root, the Golden Age of Magic flourished. This was the height of their power.


The Magocratos finally began to fall in the The Brother's War in 2100 PE. The civil war, led by two equally polarizing and charismatic demigods, dragged nearly every organization n Vorago into it, and lasted for 150 entire years in total (not all of it was outright battle). It ended with The Destabilization, caused by the final clash of the two demigods, and caused the complete collapse of the Magocratos (and most other countries). While most other nations eventually recovered to some extent, the Magocratos, which had experienced the worst political damage of any nation, never reformed.


The Magocratos boasted the most advanced magical military in Vorago. Their main strength lay in diversity of units and tactics. Air forces of dragons, mage-bred griffons, skyships, and sentient spy-kites. Ground forces of cavalry, long-range magical artillery, and transmuted turtles to act as walking ramparts. Naval forces of massive galleons, shoals of merfolk, water-walking commandos, and even a magical submarine. They were able to fend off multiple invasions from Seamelds during the Golden Age.


Education in the Magocratos was publicly funded and standardized up through elementary school. Promising students with magical talent would have access to many magical colleges, with some state grants for those of poor backgrounds.

1475 - 2100

Geopolitical, Magocracy
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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