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The High Desert

The High Desert in central Vorago is a large sand desert filled with monsters, primarily blue dragons. It has been steadily expanding over the last few centuries.


The High Desert is a classic sand desert peppered with small rocky mountains and bluffs. Large aquaphors sometimes lie underneath these outcroppings, and a few oases spot the deserts. The whole region is at relatively high altitude, and the northern section gets quite cold at night.


The High Desert almost never gets rain; storms which are projected to pass over it usually deflect to the side. It is devastatingly hot during the day, and chilly but not freezing at night. There are virtually no seasonal changes.

Fauna & Flora

There are few plants in the high desert, except near oases. Desert insects, snakes, and other cold-blooded animals are the predominant fauna.   Notably, a desert subspecies of bulette are very common in the High Desert. About the size of a minivan, they burrow through the sand to travel, retain water, and ambush prey. They are the primary food source of the dragons of the Cobalt Coalition, as well as an important resource for the Desert Dwarf Clans.

Natural Resources

Some sections of the desert are rich in iron in the sand, giving it a purplish hue. The desert dwarves are skilled at harvesting it to transform into usable metal.


Vorago's earliest maps show the presence of the High Desert, but show it as much smaller. Some scholars also posit that it used to by a dry sahel area rather than a full sand desert. How it transformed into a full desert and why it is expanding so rapidly is not known, but the two most popular theories blame the desert dwarves and some kind of unknown desert deity or demon, respectively.
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