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Vorago the Whirlpool

Vorago is a "low pressure zone" in the universe: nearby physical and metaphysical debris are sucked in, and also have difficulty leaving.   "Debris" includes things (people) swept up by astral winds on the astral plane, unlucky celestials and fiends, and sometimes even spelljammers. Most large groups arrive through the Seamelds, however.   Vorago travels through material space very quickly, and anything small floating out there can easily get sucked in. This can and has included mind flayer ships, crazed artificers in cryosleep, and small objects like cannon balls and bullets of mysterious design. Big stuff gets destroyed in Starfalls.   More commonly, things arrive via Astral space, where Vorago more closely resembles a whirlpool. Vorago creates a continuous whirlpool storm in the Astral sea which pulls in unlucky travellers (Alhammarret , for example) and things (say, the skeleton of a dead god). Such storms are not uncommon during astral travel, though Vorago's is larger and more consistent, so most people stay away. The trouble is that smaller wirlpools (distorted astral portals) will spin off at high speed and travel a ways before disappearing.   Finally, Vorago is very difficult to leave. Seamelds are rare, and often turn away magical creatures. While it is easy to contact the astral planes, and easy for creatures and blessings and objects to come to Vorago, it is very difficult for them to leave.


Entering from material space: falling from the sky, being slowed but magically irradiated by the upper atmosphere, your magical items tend to get boosted but fucked up.   Entering from Astral space: being sucked into the main storm portal or a fast-moving offshoot portal (they can look kind of like portals to other worlds), popping into existence at a random location separate from anyone who came with you, all of your magical items have a chance to break, stop working, or change effects.   Trying to leave to material space: Getting on a big ass rocket, having the rocket's magic get fucked up once you hit the upper atmosphere, parachuting back down.   Trying to leave to Astral space: See Astral Planes
Metaphysical, Astral


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