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Yuan-Ti are a magically altered subspecies of Human with serpentine qualities.

Basic Information


Yuan-Ti are built like humans, but may have a number of serpentine traits depending on the level of their "blessing". Less blessed individuals are more like humans but with yellow serpent eyes, fangs, some scales, or a forked tongue. As individuals become more blessed, they gain more serpentine traits; the most blessed are completely inhuman snake-people with snake heads, scales, and legs replaced by a long tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Yuan-Ti can reproduce with humans; the more they do so, the more they dilute their Blessing. The more they breed with each other, the more pronounced and concentrated their serpentine natures become. They reproduce and grow slower than humans, but live slightly longer.


The Yuan-Ti's Blessing makes them devoid of all emotion. They are perfectly capable of understanding other peoples' feelings and perspectives, they are simply free from the shackles of mammalian emotion. They see this as a blessing. Yuan-Ti are not innately cruel, but they are power-hungry. They see non-Yuan-Ti as lesser, but will work with them (but are quite ready to betray them too).

Civilization and Culture


With a few exceptions, all Yuan-Ti on Vorago are affiliated with the secretive organization in the Mak'ti jungle. Very very little is known about it, as they kill anyone who approaches, have anti-scrying wards, and are in the middle of a massive jungle. Population size, agenda, and military power is unknown.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 years, but may be much higher for the very Blessed
Geographic Distribution


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