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Half-dragons are disstinct from dragonborn, though they look similar. Half-dragons are born from a female human parent and a male full dragon parent.   They currently make up the majority of the Cobalt Coalition's military.

Basic Information


Half dragons are typically a foot taller than an average human and of muscular build. They show little sexual dimorphism. They have large claws on the ends of their hands and feet, and a tail. They are omnivorous, but much prefer meat.   Half-dragons inherit their draconinc parent's traits. Blue half-dragons have a singular horn coming from their snout, spines along their neck and back, and yellow scales along their "undersides" (the front of their body). They also inherit the breath weapon of their parent.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half dragons are an infertile hybrid; they cannot reproduce.


Half-dragons are psychologically similar to their parents. They are generally prosocial and enjoy interaction like humans, but they also inherit their draconic parents' natures. For blue dragons, that means pride, vanity, and a powerful ego. This leads to a strange tension of desires; half-dragons require companionship and love (though they wouldn't admit it), but also require a feeling of superiority and status. They want their parents' love, but also to surpass and subjugate them. They're not usually doing ok.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Half-dragons are as intelligent as a human, though they think of themselves as more than that.

Civilization and Culture


Half-dragons were very common during the rule of the draconic empire, and at the time were typically powerful pro-resistance actors. After the Dragon Wars, they had a generally positive reputation due to most of them having metallic dragon parents, though they became much less common.   Now over a thousand years later, half-dragons are symbols of subjugation and inhumanity. The currently make up the majority of the Cobalt Coalition's military, and are typically bred from unwilling mothers and raised separately. The word "half-dragon" is synonymous with the Coalition in the eyes of many.   There are, however, some metallic half-dragons around today.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60 years
Average Height
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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