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Myantha, possibly also known as the Oracle of Tsuvral, is an Elvish mage who resides in Faklayn. She has a uniquely strong ability to see the near future and, if prominent historical theories are to be believed, is a prominent spiritual figure to many of the cultures near her home of Tsuvral.  

The Cold Winds of Athan

Myantha is first mentioned in the annals of the old Dwarvish kingdom of Thrundad in 2863 AK. At the time, she was a member of an adventuring party hired by the crown to investigate strange reports coming from The Rime. She traveled to Athan with Wilbur and a few others and was present for the emergence of Dragonborn on the plane.  

Into Dasylirion

Due to her erratic behavior during the mission to Athan, including the attempted murder of several civilians, Myantha was sent to the prison at Dasylirion, an oasis where magic-suppressing plants grow. After a couple of decades, she hatched a plan to escape. This plot was nearly foiled by a group of adventurers travelling through Kxa, but in the end she was successful in starting the The Dasylirion Breakout. Her whereabouts immediately after this escape are unknown.  

Possible Return

In 3122, the Alsammiri historian Olivatix Hemikindar argued that the Oracle of Tsuvral must by Myantha. Zirs primary evidence for this conclusion, in addition to the historical record mentioned above, was an interview ze conducted with Wilbur One-Eye, a privateer lord who was also present at the Athan mission. Ze noted the similarities between their abilities, ages, and appearance, and also used the proximity of Tsuvral to Myantha's last known location as evidence. Though not universally accepted within academic circles, this is the leading theory on the oracle's identity. The Oracle herself, in her typical fashion, has responded cryptically when questioned on this issue.

Lineage: Elf

Class: Wizard

Gender: Woman

Profession: Adventurer, Oracle

Religion: Various, including Sylvan

Home: Tsuvral

Family: Unknown

Groups: Dasylirion Escapees

Alias: The Oracle of Tsuvral


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