Faridah al-Malik

Clan: Banu Haqim   Sire: Ramin al-Rashid   Childer: Khalil Al-Masri , others   Generation: 8 (through diablerie) (9 originally)     Biography   Faridah is a member of the Banu Haqim clan who was born in the late 1700s in the city of Isfahan, Persia. Faridah was trained as a warrior and assassin from a young age, and she quickly rose through the ranks of her clan, becoming a respected enforcer and executioner. Her loyalty to the Camarilla also earned her favor among the Kindred of her city.   Faridah's unyielding devotion to her duty and the Camarilla caught the attention of her superiors, who eventually tasked her with overseeing the training and education of a group of promising young Banu Haqim, including Nadia Kihn, her grandchilder. Under Faridah's tutelage, Nadia excelled in the arts of warfare and espionage, becoming one of the most skilled members of her generation.     Appearance   Faridah al-Malik is a striking figure, with sharp features and piercing green eyes that seem to miss nothing. She wears her jet-black hair in a severe bun at the nape of her neck, and her clothing is always practical and unadorned, designed for ease of movement and concealment. Faridah is strong and agile, with the musculature of a seasoned warrior and the lean body of a fighter. She appears to be somewhere in her early or mid 30's.     Modern Nights   In modern nights, Faridah al-Malik has become a trusted advisor to the Camarilla Prince of her city, Prince Vanessa Coal, lending her expertise in matters of security and espionage to maintain the Masquerade and protect Kindred interests. She maintains a network of loyal spies and informants throughout the city and is known to be a fearsome opponent to any who would threaten the safety of the Camarilla or its members. Though she has grown more cautious with age, Faridah remains a formidable force in the politics and power struggles of the Kindred.


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