Nadia Kihn

Clan: Banu Haqim   Generation: 9 (through diablerie) (11 originally)   Sire: Khalil Al-Masri   Childer: others, and Hasan Bartell     Biography   Nadia was born in the early 1800s in Persia, which is now known as Iran. She was embraced into the Banu Haqim clan during her early 20s, when she was working as an assassin for a powerful local ruler. Her sire saw in her the potential to be a great asset to the clan. Due to his other distraction with other interests, however, her grandsire Faridah al-Malik was tasked with teaching her the ways of the Banu Haqim and how to be a kindred.   Nadia quickly rose through the ranks of the Banu Haqim, earning a reputation as a ruthless and efficient killer. She became known for her ability to blend in with her surroundings, as well as her sharp intellect and strategic thinking. Nadia also developed a deep respect for the traditions and customs of her clan, and she became a staunch defender of its values and beliefs.   Over the years, Nadia has embraced several childer, including Hasan Bartell. She has also established herself as a powerful and respected member of the Kindred community, using her skills as an assassin to secure her position and influence.     Appearance   Having originated in Persia, Nadia possesses a lighter complexion than most in the Middle East. She is an extremely attractive woman who appears to be in her late 20's or early 30's. Her eyes are a vivid green and are brought out even more by her choice in clothing as she often wears shades of green. She is exceedingly feminine, has full lips, and long dark wavy hair. Nadia has a fit physique and often goes out of her way to behave in a way that contributes to her sultry persona.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Nadia is still active in the world of assassination and espionage, using her extensive network of contacts and her mastery of the Banu Haqim disciplines to carry out her missions. She is known for her fierce loyalty to her clan, as well as her uncompromising dedication to her work. Despite her reputation as a deadly killer, however, Nadia also has a softer side, and she cares deeply for her childer and those who have earned her trust and respect.   Nadia does not seem to be a follower of the Path of Blood.   As an Ancilla she possesses a level of autonomy and freedom to do as she pleases. Most recently she has taken an interest in Everlast Lacroix, her grandchilder. Her goals seem to be to court his interests and persuade him to join her.


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