Khalil Al-Masri

Clan: Banu Haqim   Sire: Faridah al-Malik   Childer: Nadia Kihn , others   Generation: 10     Background   Khalil al-Farisi was born in Egypt during the 19th century. He was a brilliant scholar and had a deep interest in philosophy, particularly the works of the medieval Muslim philosophers. Khalil was embraced by Faridah al-Malik, a member of the Banu Haqim, who recognized his intellect and potential as a kindred. However, Khalil was never quite comfortable with his new existence and found himself struggling to adjust to the world of the undead. As a result, he became somewhat neglectful of his responsibilities as a sire, including his duty to teach and guide his own childe, Nadia Kihn.     Appearance   Khalil is a tall and slender man with dark skin and piercing brown eyes. He wears his black hair long and often tied back in a ponytail. Khalil favors a conservative dress style, often wearing traditional clothing you would see in the Middle East.     Modern Nights   Although a member of the Camarilla, Khalil has become increasingly reclusive in recent years, isolating himself from the politics and intrigues of the kindred world. He spends much of his time pursuing his scholarly interests, studying ancient texts and delving into the mysteries of the occult. Though he remains somewhat negligent when it comes to his duties as a sire, Khalil still has a deep affection for his childe, Nadia Kihn, and maintains a social connection to her. However, he prefers to leave her to her own devices.


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