Jisoon Firstblood

Clan: Gangrel   Sire: Unknown, line of Karsh   Generation: 12   Childer: Nyx , several others     Biography   Not much is known about the mystery that is Jisoon Firstblood. Most rumors agree that he was born somewhere in the Western Steppes near modern day Khazakstan. He most likely served as a soldier, and a damn good one at that. Whether it was with guns or on horseback with a bow, however, is anyones guess.     Appearance   Jisoon towers above most people, standing somewhere between 6'7" and 6'8" without his boots. He is lean, athletic, strong, and fierce. His left eye bears a scar which he claims was given to him by a lupine. His hair is long and dark, contrasting with his pale complexion. Oftentimes he sports a scowl alongside his leather and silver accessories. He has high cheekbones and his ears resemble wolf ears with their distinct pointed tip. Jisoon's fangs are also unnaturally sharp and long when compared to most kindred. Many who know about him state that he is similar to Karsh, the Warlord of the Camarilla.     Modern Nights   A respected and feared member of Clan Gangrel, Jisoon has recently visited Tri-Island City.   Jisoon sired Nyx one fateful night. After that he disappeared and left her to fend for herself. Nyx followed several leads in an attempt to track him down. Most recently however, at Hasan Bartell's party, Nyx learned that Hasan spoke to Jisoon and convinced him to pay her a visit.


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