
Clan: Gangrel   Generation: 13   Sire: Jisoon Firstblood   Childer: None     Biography   Nyx, or Natasha as she was known in life, was a young woman who grew up in Tri-Island City. She was a track athlete throughout highschool. She got a job as a bartender at Razzles, a seedy bar and club located in the Entertainment District, Upper Island. One night when getting ready to leave she was followed home, attacked, and unwillingly embraced. She then spent the better part of two months living in the forest outside the city.     Appearance   Nyx is a beautiful young woman who stands around 5’7” tall. She possesses distinctly Mediterranean features such as a tanned olive skin tone, dark curly hair and high cheek bones. She is lean and athletic with a defined musculature and physique. This combined with her being very pretty makes her quite an intimidating figure to many.     Disciplines  
  • Protean (2):
    • Eyes of the Beast (1st lvl): The vampire can will a supernatural red gleam into their eyes, giving them sight even in the total absence of light.
    • Feral Weapons (2nd lvl): The vampire can extend their natural weapons to monstrous proportions. This usually takes the form of fingernails extending into wicked talons but can also come in other forms such as fangs elongating into veritable daggers, as from a gigantic serpent.
  • Fortitude (2):
    • Resilience (1st lvl): The vampire can add their Fortitude rating to their Health total.
    • Unswayable Mind (1st lvl): The vampire can add their Fortitude rating to dice rolls to resist manipulation and coercion.
    Chronicle 1.0   Nyx, having been embraced, spent the past few weeks or months in the wilderness eating animals and occasionally hikers and hunters. One night while traveling south she encountered a rare forest Nos who she engaged in battle with. Although she got the drop on it, it broke free of her grasp and disappeared. She continued along south heading towards a light source in the distance. A few minutes later she saw a flashlight and heard people moving towards her. Nyx dove behind cover, semi-successfully, but the group followed her, tracking her through the woods as she ran. Once in hiding atop a little cliff overlooking a valley clearing she waited. A kindred, Everlast Lacroix, clinging to the trees attacked her once he saw her. They engaged in combat, Nyx dodging his other blows and attempting to trip him. Launching herself off of the cliff into the valley below, Matio exited the woods and held his Desert Eagle up to her. Core came out from the shadows beside her while Everlast Lacroix and Mark Henry stood behind her. After the group interrogated her, they led her back to Locustwood Manor. Once there she took a shower and then got dressed in new clothes bought for her by Sarah Pierce, a ghoul associated with The Coterie. The group told her that they were heading to Fantasia, a club owned by Baron Eric, another vampire that they sort of work for.   Once at Fantasia Nyx received the VIP treatment and was welcome with open arms. She met Baron Keeling and Katrina ‘Czarina’, sharing a meal with the latter. Matio told her it was time to head back to Baron Eric’s office and they joined the entire group there, joined by Lysandra and one of her assistants, another kindred. There they discussed what was to happen and decided to set a plan in motion when Joe, the security overwatch staff member burst in saying that bikers had invaded the area. Seconds later they kicked in the doors and began shooting. Everyone scrambled, Nyx sticking with Matio and Lysandra’s assistant. Alongside Matio, Nyx fought against bikers entering the front of the club. After one jumped up to the balcony where she was located, Nyx ripped his throat out. She would continue to use her feral weapons to combat many enemies that night. After the fight she was given the 9mm Beretta pistol from Baron Eric. Nyx then accompanied The Coterie to The Penthouse, staying the day in Sarah’s room.     Epilogue 1x1:     Chronicle 2.0:


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