John “Black Back”

Clan: Brujah   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Numerous   Generation: 11     Biography   John "Black Back" was born in a working-class family in Detroit in the 1960s. Growing up, he was drawn to the biker lifestyle and quickly became involved with a local motorcycle gang. John's natural leadership skills and his willingness to do whatever it took to protect his crew made him a respected member of the gang.   John's life changed forever when he was embraced by a Brujah vampire in the early 1990s. Initially, John struggled to adjust to his new existence as a kindred, but his natural charisma and fighting skills made him a force to be reckoned with in the vampire world. He quickly aligned himself with other Brujah in the city, and together they worked to establish themselves as a powerful force.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, John is the leader of the Black Riders, an outlaw biker gang that runs chop shops, drug trafficking, and arms dealing rackets in the Tri-Island City. He has used his charisma and leadership skills to build a loyal following within the gang, and his reputation as a fierce fighter has kept rival gangs at bay.   John is fiercely loyal to his fellow Brujah and has become a prominent figure in the local vampire community. He uses his connections within the gang to provide weapons and other resources to the Brujah cause, and he has been known to use his biker gang as muscle when necessary.   Despite his tough exterior, John is fiercely protective of his loved ones and has a soft spot for those he considers family. He is known to take in wayward vampires and give them a sense of purpose within his gang, and he has been known to go to great lengths to protect his crew.   As the leader of the Black Riders, John is constantly looking for new ways to expand his empire and increase his power. He is not afraid to take risks, and he will stop at nothing to protect what he has built.   He has come into conflict with The Coterie at various points and is curious about them. They have destroyed one of his chop shops and killed several of his men, albeit after they began following them in the streets. His acquaintance Kurt Lowry has come to him and talked about The Coterie on several occasions, mostly trying to get John to intervene himself and handle them.


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