
Lord is a title created by the kindred who belong to the 6th and 7th generations as a way to refer to themselves.   Many of these kindred feel as though they are greater than other Elders due to commonly being the childer or grandchilder of a Methuselah, and as such, deserve a special designation to separate them from the Elders of higher generations.   Although they themselves are elders, Lords consider themselves ranked above Elder but below Methuselah.   They are considered to be among the most powerful and influential in the vampire society with many kindred being exposed to them at some point or another. While they may not possess the same level of mystical or spiritual power as Methuselahs, they make up for it with their wealth, influence, and political power.   Lords often rule over vast domains, amassing wealth and power through their control of mortals and younger kindred alike. They are adept at manipulating mortal institutions, such as businesses, politics, and finance, to further their goals and secure their position of power.   Lords are also skilled in the art of war, often commanding armies of younger kindred and mortal thralls. They understand that physical strength alone is not enough to maintain their position of power, and they use their cunning and strategic abilities to stay ahead of their enemies.   Despite their power and influence, Lords are not immune to the dangers of vampire politics. They must constantly be on guard against rivals who seek to challenge their position or undermine their authority. As such, they often maintain extensive networks of spies and informants to keep them informed of any potential threats.


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