Nikolai Karras

Clan: Tzimisce   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Viktor Kuznetsov , others   Generation: 7     Biography   Nikolai Karras was born in 1745 in the city of Belgrade, then part of the Ottoman Empire. He was raised in a wealthy family, which allowed him to receive the best education that money could buy. He excelled in the sciences, particularly chemistry and biology, and was fascinated by the possibilities of alchemy.   In his late twenties, Nikolai became involved with a group of occultists who introduced him to the world of the supernatural. He quickly became obsessed with the idea of immortality and began to seek out information on the Kindred.   During a trip to the Carpathian Mountains, Nikolai met a Tzimisce Elder who saw potential in him and offered him the Embrace. Nikolai accepted, eager to learn the secrets of the Tzimisce and to gain the power that immortality promised.   Under his sire's guidance, Nikolai quickly became a skilled practitioner of Vicissitude, mastering the art of flesh-crafting and shaping his own body into monstrous forms. He spent several decades traveling throughout Europe, honing his skills and developing a reputation as a skilled and dangerous member of the Sabbat.   Nikolai's true passion, however, was alchemy. He spent much of his time researching ways to create the philosopher's stone, which he believed would allow him to achieve true immortality and transcend the limitations of his vampiric form.   In the early 20th century, Nikolai traveled to Russia, drawn by the promise of revolution and the possibility of a new world order. He became involved with the Bolsheviks, using his knowledge of science and alchemy to aid in their cause.   During this time, Nikolai met and embraced Viktor Kuznetsov, seeing in him the potential for greatness and the perfect tool to further the Sabbat's agenda in Russia. He took Viktor under his wing and trained him in the ways of the Tzimisce, grooming him to be a powerful and influential member of the sect.   Today Nikolai is a dangerous and unpredictable Tzimisce Elder.   Appearance   Nikolai stands at an imposing height of 6'5" with broad shoulders and a muscular build that shows his prowess in combat. His face is chiseled with sharp cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a prominent nose that gives him a regal look. He has piercing blue eyes that seem to glow in the dark, and his thick black hair is usually slicked back in a neat bun. Nikolai's skin is unnaturally pale, indicating his Eastern European heritage. He is always impeccably dressed in formal attire, often wearing a long coat that gives him a mysterious and enigmatic presence.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Nikolai is rumored to be in the Middle East, searching for ancient alchemical texts and artifacts that he believes will lead him to the philosopher's stone. He remains a dedicated member of the Sabbat, using his knowledge and skills to aid in the sect's war against the Camarilla and to further his own personal quest for immortality.


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