Radu "The Thin"

Clan: Tzimisce   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown     Biography   Radu "The Thin" is an enigmatic Tzimisce, a creature born of fleshcrafting and ancient Eastern European lineage. His origins are shrouded in obscurity, lost to the annals of history, and whispered only in hushed tones among the Kindred whom he is known to.   Stories tell of Radu's birth in a remote village nestled deep within the Carpathian Mountains. It is said that Radu's transformation into a vampire left an indelible mark on his physical form and sanity.     Appearance   Radu stands at an imposing height of 7' 6", with unnaturally elongated limbs that seem to stretch on forever. His thin, emaciated frame betrays a haunting fragility, as if his grotesquely elongated body could snap with the slightest touch. His alabaster white skin is a stark contrast to his flowing, ethereal white hair that cascades down to his shoulders.   Radu's piercing eyes, the color of blood-stained ice, glow with an otherworldly intensity. His visage is a mix of otherness and unearthly beauty, a testament to the twisted artistry of the Tzimisce clan. Though he possesses a striking and captivating appearance, it serves as a reminder of the twisted horrors that lie beneath his skin.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Radu's presence is a source of both awe and trepidation among the Kindred. His unique physicality and mastery of fleshcrafting have earned him a place of prominence within the Sabbat pack and his own clan. He uses his skills to unsettle and intimidate his foes, manipulating his own body into grotesque and disconcerting shapes.   Radu's enigmatic nature and obsession with his own flesh make him an enigma even among the Tzimisce. He is known to be reclusive, rarely leaving his haven except for important Sabbat gatherings or missions. Those who have witnessed Radu's eerie abilities speak of his mastery over flesh and bone, twisting and reshaping them with an almost poetic grace.   His influence over the pack is unquestioned, as his knowledge of the esoteric and ancient arts grants him a position of authority. While some regard him with fear and disgust, others see him as a living testament to the power and versatility of the Tzimisce clan.   Radu's true motivations remain a mystery, his actions guided by a mind that seems detached from mortal concerns. As the pack ventures into the Tri-Island City, his role becomes increasingly significant, weaving the threads of their dark destiny with his unnerving presence and macabre talents.   Matio had seen Radu's outline in a vision, alongside The Gimp and others. Perhaps they have formed a kamut.


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