Salvador Simonis

Clan: Tremere   Generation: 10   Sire: Nichole Nolan   Childer: Xanthus     Biography   Salvador Simonis was born in 1900 in the city of New Orleans. From a young age, Salvador had a fascination with the occult and supernatural, which eventually led him down a path of exploration and study of various mystical practices. This pursuit eventually drew the attention of Nichole Nolan, who was visiting the city sometime in the 1940's, where she saw great potential in Salvador. She offered him the opportunity to join the ranks of the undead and he eagerly accepted.   Under Nichole's guidance, Salvador embraced his newfound powers and honed his skills as a practitioner of the occult. In the decades that followed, he became one of Nichole's most trusted agents, acting as her man-in-the-field and carrying out various assignments on her behalf.   Throughout the years, Salvador has remained dedicated to his studies, delving deeper into the secrets of the supernatural and amassing a vast knowledge of arcane lore. His passion for the unknown has led him to become somewhat of a recluse, often spending long periods of time in seclusion as he studies and experiments with his powers.   In somewhat recent years, Salvador made the decision to embrace a young Tremere named Xanthus, seeing great potential in the man. This decision, however, led to shame and embarassment as Xanthus defected to the anarchs within his two decades of unlife.   Appearance   Salvador Simonis is a gaunt and tall older man. He has medium length messy hair and bears scars on his cheeks from his youth. He speaks in a somewhat creaky voice and portrays himself in a very proper, borderline snobby manner. He always wears his reading glasses and very vampire-ish outfits.     Modern Nights   Salvador currently resides in a secluded haven on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by various occult artifacts and arcane tomes. He is known to have a number of ghouls in his service, including a skilled technologist who aids him with such things.


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