Nichole Nolan

Clan: Tremere   Generation: 9   Sire: Averia Paneris   Childer: Salvador Simonis , others     Biography   Nichole Nolan was born into a wealthy family in New York City in the early 20th century. She was raised with every luxury imaginable, attending the finest schools and socializing with the elite of society. However, Nichole was always restless and yearned for something more. She became fascinated with the occult in her early teenage years but it wasn't until she was introduced to the world of the Kindred that she finally found her true calling.   Nichole was embraced in mid/late 1920s, during the height of the Roaring Twenties whilst Averia Paneris was visitng New York. She quickly made a name for herself among the Kindred of NYC, using her charm and intellect to rise through the ranks of the Camarilla. Seeking a new city, Nichole moved to the area of Tri-Island in the footsteps of her sire. Over the years, she has become a trusted ally of many powerful Kindred, her sire Averia included. Averia serves as the Primogen for Clan Tremere in the court of Prince Vanessa Coal.   Appearance  
  Nichole Nolan stands at about 5'8" with a slim but athletic build. She has striking, pale features with medium length white hair that cascades down to her shoulders in loose waves. She is very pretty. Her eyes are a piercing shade of light blue that seem to change with her mood, and her lips are full and often painted a deep shade of red. Nichole is always dressed well, favoring sheer, tailored blazers gowns that accentuate her physique. She always covers her back and shoulders with a blood red cloak.     Haven   Nichole's haven is located in a private hotel that she owns. The space is tastefully decorated with a mix of antique and modern furnishings, giving it a sleek and sophisticated feel. Nichole's bedroom is situated on the top floor, offering a stunning view of the city skyline. She has a vast library as well as many occult objects. Nichole has several ghouls in her service, all of whom are highly skilled in their respective fields. Excluding drivers and security, her personal assistant, Simon, is a former mortician who handles all of her business affairs with discretion and efficiency. She also has a skilled hacker named Alex, who assists her with technological tasks and security measures. Finally, she has a talented artist named Anna, who creates stunning pieces of art for Nichole's personal collection.   Modern Nights   Nichole is rarely seen out, preferring to travel in the concealment of her tinted vehicles to get where she has to go. When she is not busy she spends a lot of time in her haven reading, researching, and thinking. Nichole wants to recruit Matio, her descendant, to the Camarilla.


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